Spiritual Activities

Spiritual Activities

Find Your Second Family Through Spiritual Activities in ITS!

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) does not only strive to improve soft skills but also strives for students’ spiritual intelligence. One form of effort made by ITS to support these spiritual activities is to form a Spiritual Guidance Team (TPK). There are 5 TPK in ITS, namely Islamic TPK, Buddhist TPK, Hindu TPK, Catholic TPK, and Christian TPK. Each of these TPKs was also structured of the Daily Management Board to run events related to the religion.

Besides TPK, there are also various religious organizations, namely the Manarul Ilmi Mosque Community (JMMI), Catholic Student Family (KMK), Christian Student Fellowship (PMK), Hindu TPK (TPKH) and Buddhist TPK (TPKB). The five organizations have a variety of excellent programs to facilitate the self-development of students in the religious field as well as bonding the relations between students in ITS within the scope of religion and its spiritual activites.