ITS Hindu Spiritual Development Team

ITS Hindu Spiritual Development Team

ITS Hindu Spiritual Development Team (TPKH-ITS) is a religious organization that houses Hindu students and lecturers with the principles of kinship and professionalism. By becoming part of TPKH-ITS, together we create a second family to make the students and academic community active and participatory in providing benefits to society based on based on spirituality.

ITS Hindu Spiritual Development Team  

Founded in 1982-1983 by Hindu students at ITS, the ITS Hindu Spiritual Development Team (TPKH-ITS) is a religious organization that houses Hindu students and lecturers based on the principles of kinship and professionalism.

TPKH-ITS has a supervisor who is responsible for every activity and participation of TPKH-ITS members from the entire ITS academic community who are Hindus. For this reason, there is a general chairman who acts as a supervisor and his staff and the daily chairman of the TPKH-ITS who is more involved in developing work programs and developing resources that exist within the TPKH-ITS.

The general chairman of TPKH-ITS 2020 is Mr. Dr. I. Made Ariana, S.T., M.T. from Marine Engineering Department and the General Secretary of TPKH-ITS, namely Mrs. Dyah Shanti Dewi, S.T from Industrial Engineering Department.

Vision and Missions of TPKH-ITS 

The vision that was built to turn TPKH-ITS into an organization that has the same goal for its members called, “To become an organization that capable implementing the Dharma of Religion and the Dharma of the State”. The meaning of this vision is to do Dharma or kindness based on religion and state. TPKH-ITS has the following missions:
1. Exploring and developing the potential of Hindu students TPKH-ITS Surabaya
2. Fostering an active participatory role of Hindu students in organizational and community life
3. Training and implementing Hindu teachings in people’s lives
4. Carrying out activities and or cooperation internally and externally on campus which are student and community service in nature

In its implementation, TPKH-ITS encourages more students to take more part in organizing work programs, activities, and events organized by TPKH-ITS.

Organization of TPKH-ITS 

Each ITS Spiritual Development Team (TPK) certainly has its own organization in the TPK development team. For this reason, TPK of Hindu religion has an organization called the Hindu Spiritual Development Team (TPKH). The existence of the TPKH organization makes it easier for Hindu lecturers and students to carry out Hindu religious obligations and activities so that they can form a second family that has the same vision, mission and goals.

In September 2020, TPKH members have elected a new daily chairman, Gandhi Surya Buwana, who will take on the task and bring new innovations to the TPKH in a new era. The new TPKH cabinet has the name “Candramawa” which means black mixed with white. This means that TPKH-ITS has a balance like black and white. Black means strength, assertiveness, and professionalism. Meanwhile, white means kinship, wisdom and serenity.

The Candramawa Cabinet has a vision, namely “Work Symphony, Warm the House”. While the missions of the Candramawa cabinet are as follows:
1. Match in Karma, Dharma, and Norms
2. Developed and tolerant internal harmonization
3. Echoes creative, spiritual, and cultural voices
4. Compose work appropriately

Get to know the TPKH-ITS Department

TPKH has 6 departments that together embody the same spirit of religious and cultural unity. Let’s look at the following discussion.

1. Human Resources Development Department
The Human Resources Development Department (PSDM) of TPKH-ITS has an obligation to form Hindu ITS students on the basis of Dharma teachings, both in terms of morality, loyalty and solidarity, for the advancement of students and TPKH-ITS along with ITS in general.

2. General Department
The General Department is a charge of entrepreneurship. The task of this department is to produce products that can facilitate the needs of TPKH-ITS members and for branding.

3. Internal Department
The Internal Department is tasked with facilitating internal activities aimed at strengthening the sense of belonging of TPKH-ITS members.

4. Department of Interests and Talents
The Department of Talent Interests at TPKH-ITS is tasked with growing and developing potential in the arts and sports fields. The purpose of this department is to increase the sense of pride in the arts and culture of the ancestors. Of course, with this feeling of pride, TPKH-ITS members will always be eager to further develop their interests and talents.

5. Department of Public Relations
The Public Relations Department has a duty to disseminate information about TPKH-ITS through websites and social media. The purpose of this information dissemination is to introduce TPKH-ITS to the public so that it gets broad relations and can work with Hindu student organizations outside ITS.

6. Department of Community Dedication
The Department of Community Service provides facilities for TPKH-ITS members to carry out community service activities based on religion. The purpose of establishing this department is to increase awareness and social care for each member of the problems that occur in society.

TPKH-ITS Activities and Events

TPKH-ITS facilitates members to be able to develop themselves so that they are even better based on spirituality. For this reason, TPKH-ITS prepares special activities for new students as an introduction to a new environment called Binadharma.

Binadharma is an adaptation for new students to the new environment in Surabaya in forming the character and spiritual insight of students. Based on the principle of kinship, new student members of TPKH-ITS are supported in active participation by providing facilities such as providing mentoring for new students, providing information about the committee, and so on.

For TPKH members, there are Softskill Training activities to improve the ability of the members in terms of self-development and to increase the knowledge and skills of staff in implementing work programs, a Staff Upgrading activity was held.

TPKH-ITS also has more exciting events for members. This event is called the TPKH Fun Games which aims to strengthen the relationship between student members of the TPKH-ITS and increase a sense of kinship, sportsmanship, and solidarity.

Apart from internal events, TPKH-ITS also holds external events. The existence of the Community Service Department in TPKH made an activity to increase the sense of care of TPKH-ITS members and the surrounding community outside TPKH-ITS. Bakti Sosial and Medical Day are TPKH-ITS activities in order to foster good relations between the community and students in Surabaya and TPKH-ITS.

TPKH-ITS has activities that are routinely carried out with all members. These activities include the agenda of praying together and Dharma Yatra, which means praying into several temples in the East Java area as a spiritual program held by the TPKH.

Before praying, TPKH-ITS members will perform Ngayah, which means together to help clean the temple to foster good relations between TPKH-ITS and temple administrators in East Java. At the same time, it means to increase the sense of devotion to Sang Hyang.

Friends must know one of the fun facts from TPKH-ITS where TPKH-ITS has an activity called Etnikustik. Etnikustik is a unique activity that combines band music with Balinese gamelan with the aim of introducing Bali which is rich in culture and closely related to Hinduism and is the only one in East Java, especially Surabaya. Etnikustik has been widely recognized and invited to fill big events, especially events at ITS.

Finally, TPKH-ITS has an event called Gempita Pesona Dewata. This event is just like any other program with fun games. However, at this event there are concerts and present performers from environmental lovers in Bali. The aim is to bring Balinese culture and stories of Hinduism as manifested in dance, theater performances, and packaged in a youthful (contemporary) nuance.