
The First Cabinet of BEM ELECTICS Brings Vision as a Student’s Beneficial Space

Mon, 02 Aug 2021
3:28 pm
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The Welcome Party to welcomed the First Cabinet of ELECTICS Student Executive Board which was attended by all functionaries

In the world of student affairs, the existence of an organization has become an inseparable part of the students themselves. Following the architectural restructuring by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), the Student Executive Board (BEM) was formed to oversee the students of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) in May 2021.

 As the Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the BEM FTEIC, Azmi explained, even FTEIC is a faculty that just formed last year, the formation of a student organization is a must. “This is because the function of student organizations is important, namely as a means of self-development and expanding student integrity,” he said.

 In line with its function, BEM ELECTICS has a mission to foster an adaptive culture in internal functionaries, realize the benefits of BEM ELECTICS ITS to all ITS residents and the community, and a forum for self-development of BEM ELECTICS members in terms of potential, interests, and talents. “This is in accordance with BEM’s vision to create an adaptive organization as a useful forum,” said Azmi. 

This mission is realized through several work programs and agendas such as Sobat Edukasi which is related to community social, and IMAGE for information about internships. “Besides that, there is an Electics Tournament, which is a scale competition to bond students at ELECTICS, and many more,” explained Azmi.

Daily Executive Board (BPH), Head of Division and Secretary of each Division in ELECTICS Student Executive Board.

The Information Technology Department student continues, the first cabinet was divided into the Daily Management Board (BPH) chaired by Indra Widnyana from the ELECTICS’ Information Technology Degree, four departments, and one bureau. The four departments are the Department of Human Resources Development (HRD), the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of External Affairs, and the Department of Community Social Affairs. The other bureau is the Kepemanduan Bureau.

 Following the combination of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FTIK) and the Faculty of Electrical Technology (FTE), the organization consists of 43 students from all departments who are members of the entire faculty. “Although the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak is currently critical, the spirit of the functionaries in building the first cabinet for the organization has not been extinguished,” he added.

 Finally, Azmi hopes that all the work programs that are carried out can bring direct benefits to both ELECTICS students and the general public. “Hopefully the cabinet functionaries can be carried out well until the end,” he concluded. (rys)

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