Support ITS

Support ITS

As a university that focused on research and technology development, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) has achieved a lot of achievement. ITS as the top 5 best universities in Indonesia (according to Times) is regularly doing research for technology development.

Not only research and publication but ITS also actively contributes to the innovation of technology in Indonesia. Through Pusat Unggulan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, ITS creating many innovative products such as electric scooter like Garasindo Electric Scooter ITS (Gesits), Electric and Hybrid car like Hybrid Series Kasuari, BLITS, and even the famous supercar, Lowo Ireng. And there are many more from ITS.

By not forgetting its existence as the biggest maritime campus, ITS also develops various innovations in the maritime field. One of the innovations was the first Bamboo Laminated Ship in Indonesia, named Baito Deling and was tested in July 2018 ago. Nala Heroes, an autonomous ship belonging to the ITS Barunastra Team, also won the robot boat competition in Florida, United States. And there are many more ITS potentials that still need to be explored.

The success and achievements that ITS obtained, certainly cannot be separated from the support provided by various partner institutions that work with ITS. We need big dreams and brilliant ideas from the nation’s best sons and daughters as the foundation for building the future. As the saying goes, two hands will support stronger than one hand. And together, ITS believes that the changes towards a dreamed future will be easier to achieve.

Small steps make big change. The development of technology now is innovation and new ideas from the old version. As the agent of changes who also build the future, ITS facilitate and support the big dreams and ideas from its student and lecturer.

Technology is an important element, not just for making the work easier, technology also is able to save humans and the environment. The innovation of electric cars and scooters are one of the examples that technology could save the environment. The usage of alternative energy is effective to reduce usage of fuel energy.

Technology also is able to save humans. In ITS there is a lot of research about disaster and how to deal with it. One of those research is about the potential of earthquakes in Surabaya. This is the new innovation for Indonesia to reduce the loss and impact of earthquakes.

From this collaboration, we wish that not just ITS who will develop but the nation also be able to be stronger. Because ITS grows with the nation

Development of technology can not be separated from the development of the community itself. ITS ambitions in the future based on the works and research generated by the civitas academica ITS own. ITS realized the talents of the nation-owned Indonesia this future will be developed into something great until then, able to create fields of work. ITS has thousands of research and achievements in the form of works that can be the Foundation towards ITS target as Entrepreneurial University in 2030.