The Center for Science and Technology

The Center for Science and Technology

The Center for Science and Technology  is an organization, both independent and a consortium that carries out multi-level and interdisciplinary international research with high results standards and relevant to the needs of the latest developments in science and technology. The Science and Technology Center (PUI) is guided directly by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education after strict selection results. PUI will later develop various institutional and research capacities such as capacity in information access (sourcing capacity), research and development capacity, and dissemination capacity.

Automotive Control System (SKO)

In ITS, there is the Automotive Control System PUI which is the home to the development of the latest automotive technology. SKO-PUI has developed Gesits (Garansindo Elecric Scooter ITS), the first matic scooter in Indonesia to be mass produced in 2018. Gesits Project is a collaboration between PT Garasindo and ITS. Gesits is predicted to dominate the electric motorcycle market in Indonesia, even in Southeast Asia (ASEAN).Besides Gesits, SKO PUI has also developed a national electric car (molina) before. ITS molina products have won various achievements both on a national and international scale.

Various innovations that were successfully delivered by SKO PUI:

  1. Electric Scooter Gesits
  2. Ezzy I Electric Car
  3. Ezzy II Electric Car
  4. Lowo Ireng Car
  5. Widya Vehicle IV
  6. Widya Vehicle V
  7. Electric Bus

Various innovations in the automotive sector have made ITS one of the axes of Indonesia’s automotive development