It is a pleasure to announce that Mechatronics Technology Centre, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS – MTC) Surabaya Indonesia, is going to organize an International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation 2017 (ICAMIMIA 2017) on October 12-14, 2017.
ICAMIMIA 2017 is soliciting novel research results on mechatronics, robotics, automation, manufacture, instrumentation, measurement, control, modeling, information, computational engineering, design and system, material, energy and related topics. This conference provides a very good opportunity for research scientists, investigators, industrial practitioners and government representatives to present their results and to exchange their ideas.
Theme of ICAMIMIA 2017 is “Disruptive and Robust Innovation for Mechatronics Technology”. This year, the ICAMIMIA 2017 will be held along with robot competition and industrial exhibition organized by lecturers, students, and industrial experts. This collaboration is aimed to encourage schools, universities, and industries to participate in engineering event. This series event is named Industrial Mechatronics and Automation Exhibition (IMAE) and scheduled from 12th – 14th of October 2017 ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia.
All paper accepted by ICAMIMIA with all conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A &I) databases, also will be indexed by EI.
ICAMIMIA 2017 complete poster can be downloaded HERE.
New Information : Other optional outlet publication of ICAMIMIA 2017 will be published in SCOPUS indexed Procedia Engineering, ELSEVIER with additional charges applied (will be informed in detail later)
Click HERE to view our publication in IEEE from ICAMIMIA 2015.
More details you can visit
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