In order to initiate community social work programs in the future, BEM FT-EIC ITS together with ITS Electrical Engineering Student Association (HIMATEKTRO), ITS Computer Engineering Student Association (HIMATEKKOM), ITS Biomedical Engineering Student Association (HMTB), ITS Informatics Engineering Student Association (HMTC) ), ITS Information Systems Student Association (HMSI), and ITS Information Technology Student Association (HMIT) held a social gathering to create a climate of collaboration as a large FT-EIC family in providing benefits to society on May 29, 2023, at B404 Electrical Engineering ITS.
The first agenda in this social gathering is to launch a program that will be run by BEM FT-EIC ITS which will collaborate with the association in its implementation. The community social work programs that will be carried out include the first the Community Service Center which is community service that focuses on developing the assisted villages of BEM FT-EIC, namely in Segoro Tambak Village, Sidoarjo. The next program with the association is Educational Friends which focuses on implementing the knowledge of FT-EIC students to the community, especially school children and orphanages and foundations. The third program is Sobat Bumi which is a new innovation from BEM FT-EIC ITS with a focus on environmental aspects. Lastly is the Electic Cares work program to increase FT-EIC students’ awareness of social conditions and help in the form of cash assistance to those in need.
According to Riza Dwi as the Head of the Community Social Department BEM FT-EIC ITS, alignment of Key Performance Indicators in implementation is needed to be able to collaborate with associations so that the expected results can have an increasing impact on society. This forum was attended by representatives from each association and received a positive response with the involvement of the association in the future BEM FT-EIC ITS work program. Hopefully, this work program will be the first step in collaboration with the FT-EIC family in providing benefits to the community.
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