Data that each user needs to fill in to create an account
ITS Campus, ITS News – Pandemic and quarantine did not make ITS students stop to make achievements with their innovative work. This time, a student of ITS Department of Business Statistics won 3rd place in the Scientific Writing Contest (LKTI) themed Environmental Conservation Efforts in the New Normal Era held by the Department of Settlement and Environment (Perkim LH) Kebumen, some time ago.
It was Anisa Tri Okweningtyas, the 3rd winner of seven KTI who made it to the final round of the event. Starting from the increasing amount of waste that is simply dumped into temporary shelters (TPS) and landfills, Anisa initiated an application called NUKERTRASH that will serve as a medium of exchange of waste by the community.
Anisa Tri Okweningtyas shows the prototype of NUKERTRASH application as a result of her idea
With this pandemic, more and more people are buying food by takeaway so that the amount of garbage is increasing. Considering that everyone does work from home (WFH) anyway, not many people give more effort in handling waste. “Because of the pandemic, we are thinking about how to continue to carry out environmental conservation efforts while still social distancing,” said Anisa.
In addition to these problems, added Anisa, in order to be recycled waste must be sorted by categories. “In addition, the mixing of various types of waste in landfills makes it difficult to be recycled or utilized according to the category,” she explained.
Before being able to take advantage of this app, Anisa explained that users must create an account first. Then after creating an account, users can choose what trash they want from the catalog menu available in the app. Payment can also be made by cash, garbage, or alms.
Description of junk that can be redeemed by nukertrash application users
“Users can also choose where the trash location is, if it is too far away it can be sent using an expedition. If close can be done cash on delivery (COD),” explained this student from Kebumen.
Not only that, but this app also has unique features that can be used to educate the community. NUKERTRASH has an explore feature that contains an explanation of how to manage waste by type. “So, not only can it help the economy of the community and preserve the environment, but also can educate the community,” said Anisa.
A junk catalog available in a location in the NUKERTRASH application
In its use, said the girl born in 1999, the application will be able to be used by all levels of society. Everyone with various interests ranging from housewives, agencies, to restaurants can use NUKERTRASH as a medium of garbage exchange.
Going forward, this class of 2018 students hopes that the idea of NUKERTRASH application in its KTI can be developed and implemented directly considering the huge benefits of this application. “Because from the previous races directly applied, I hope this (application) can also be applied by the Lh Kebumen Perkim Office,” he said hopefully.
(ri/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
Anisa Tri Okweningtyas when winning 3rd place at LKTI held by the Lh Kebumen District Office
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