PowerBuffGirls! team with Supervisor Mr. Irzal Ahmad Sabilla S.Kom., M.Kom.
The 2023 GEMASTIK (National Student Performance for Information and Communication Technology) event is one of the prestigious competitions held at the national level. The best teams from various universities throughout the country compete to win the championship title in this event. This year, ITS managed to get 1 gold medal, 3 silver medals, and 1 hopeful champion to become the Overall Champion. One of the Best Teams from the Faculty of Smart Electrical and Informatics Technology (Electics), PowerBuffGirl! managed to win a gold medal in the Smart City competition category.
Starting from a feeling of “fun” and curiosity to try new things, three students from the Information Technology department gained experience and honed their knowledge by participating in the GEMASTIK event. This team consists of three female students, namely Annisa Rahmapuri (Chair), Keisya Nabila Zahra, and Jacinta Syilloam, and accompanied by Supervisor Mr. Irzal Ahmad Sabilla S.Kom., M.Kom.
“Incidentally, our department is so closely connected with SmartCity and IoT that there are courses complete with labs and supportive lecturers,” said Keisya, one of the team members.
The team provides solution ideas to overcome concerns about the city’s very fast growth. The high level of population density in the city of Surabaya has an impact on problems in various fields, namely transportation, the environment, and education.
EvolveGo! is a system that works efficiently, and precisely and is directly integrated with various existing features as an implementation of 5 of the 6 Smart City Pillars, namely Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Living, Smart Economy, and Smart Society. EvolveGo! provides waste management services, transportation route planning, transportation security, cashless payments, and school index assessment to create smart and sustainable cities and improve the quality of life and government efficiency. The benefits of this system are that it can create a clean and healthy environment, create safer and more comfortable transportation, increase the supply of clean energy, encourage the growth of the digital economic sector, and increase accuracy in the PPDB assessment system.
The Biomedical Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), part of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics
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