
Selamat Atas Prestasi yang Ditorehkan Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS dalam Exploration Design Competition

Selamat kepada Muhammad Himam Awali, Ihsan Fermantono, Daniel Sahat Rezeki Hutagalung yang menorehkan prestasi

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Selamat Untuk 3 Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS Atas Kemenangan Dalam Seismic Interpretation Competition

Selamat kepada Syabibah Zakiyya, Maria Threecia dan Jifa Adila yang menorehkan prestasi dalam event

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3 Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS Menangkan Electrical Resistivity Tomography Competition

Selamat kepada Maulana Nazibullah, Iqlima Syifa, dan Jifa Adila yang menorehkan prestasi dalam event

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Selamat kepada Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS Peraih Medali Emas Dalam Turnamen Karate

Dalam turnamen se-Jawa TImur, mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS, M. ShevaDe Nardo Hariawan berhasil menorehkan

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Selamat Kepada Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS yang mendapatkan Beasiswa Internasional SEG 2023

Dua mahasiswa Teknik Geofiska ITS berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa internasional. Helda Kusuma Rahayu dan Afni

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Selamat Kepada M. Zayem Ghiffari Rizal Yang Meraih Juara Satu Dalam Smart Competition dalam PETROLIDA 2023

Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS kembali menorehkan prestasi. M. Zayem Ghiffari Rizal , bersama rekan

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Three Students of ITS Geophysical Engineering Won A Geothermal Case Study Competition

In the event named Integrated Petroleum Competition 2022, three ITS Geophysical Engineering students won

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Congratulations on the Achievements of ITS Geophysical Engineering Students in the Petroleague Competition 2022

In the 2022 Petroleague competition, four ITS Geophysics Engineering students won the title. Three

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Congratulations to ITS Geophysical Engineering for Achievement in ECO BUSINESS ENVIRONATION 2022

ITS Geophysics Engineering students again won achievements. Helda Kusuma Rahayu, along with colleagues from

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4 Students of ITS Geophysical Engineering Achieve Best Poster in International Conference

In the International Scientific Conference named The 1st International Conference on Upstream Energy Technology

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