
Became The PIMNAS 33 Champion, Engineering Physics Student Wins Bronze Medal For ITS

Mon, 07 Dec 2020
5:32 pm
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TF Media – At the Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional, or often called PIMNAS 33, it became a pride for the Department of Engineering Physics. Because, engineering physics’ students back-to-back presented the bronze medal from the poster category and favorites for the Student Creativity – Community Service Program (Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa – Pengabdian Masyarakat). The team is led by Millads Anwary Fandiaz (Engineering Physics 2019), consisting of Yurham Afif (Engineering Physics 2017), Fiqey Indriati Eka Sari (Informatics Engineering 2019), and Shinta Ulwiya (Urban and Regional Planning 2019) with supervisory lecturer Mrs. Dyah Sawitri, ST, MT.

Miko, how the team leader usually called, revealed that PKM’s title taking, namely “BRANI”, which is an integrated system of transformation of agribusiness products of Sumber Brantas Village, Batu City into a product worth selling based on millennial technology. Starting from his scientific paper that slightly more qualified in the Scientific Writing Contest of the Provincial Forest Service of East Java (Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Provinsi Dinas Kehutanan Jawa Timur) with the aim of supporting the facilities and pre-facilities of Tahura Buffer Village Raden Soerjo to be more prosperous. Seeing the opportunity for PIMNAS 33 makes Miko and 3 other students submitted the proposals and passed each stage of the event held online on November 24th-29th, 2020.

                      Figure: The Announcement of PIMNAS 33 Poster Category

Miko, said that this PKM’s partner is a group of farmer youths from Sumber Brantas Village who were given digital marketing training online, to help marketing agribusiness products from the village. That way the youth farmers will be more productive and the products from Sumber Brantas Village become more advanced.

             Figure: Team Given Digital Marketing Training to Village Farmer Youths                                 of Sumber Brantas Village

Miko also said that although PKM is only held online, there are still many interesting things during the process. Where teams learn to communicate with communities with cultural differences. Not only that, on the day of the announcement of PIMNAS 33, together with other ITS teams felt a different atmosphere of excitement because ITS made it into the 4th place of PIMNAS 33.

Despite the victory, many of ITS’ Engineering Physics students from various cross batch are fighting on PIMNAS 33. The students are Bariz Irfan Ridho (Engineering Physics 2016), Faishal Abdurrahman (Engineering Physics 2016), Agung Prastowo (Engineering Physics 2017) with the title of PKM “Comparison of Photovoltaic Maximum Power Output with MPPT and Supervisory Control Using SIMULINK MATLAB”. Then Nova Sartika Wulansari (Engineering Physics 2017), Muhamad Taufiqurrahman Ashari (Engineering Physics 2017), Muhammad Afdhel Refialdi (Material and Metallurgy Engineering 2017) with the title of PKM “Synthesis of Lithium-Ion Battery Based on Tea Pulp with KOH Water Treatment Vasiation as An Alternative to Renewable Lithium Batteries”. And Vandi Caesario (Engineering Physics 2016), Gabriel Vieri (Engineering Physics 2017), Ria Rizky Amelia (Engineering Physics 2018) with the title of PKM “Tsunami Early Detection Based on Infra Sound Signals Using Hilbert-Huang Transform Method”. (zah / edit : mei / trans : cel)

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