
Create Application to Simplify Fundraising, this FTEIC Students Take 17 Best IDEAthon 2020 National Ideas

Tue, 09 Jun 2020
4:14 pm
Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Information Technology

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Databasedonasi’s initiating team that succeedfully take 17 best IDEAthon 2020 National idea

Surabaya, 9 June 2020The Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continue to create innovation and achievements. Came up with the idea to create a web-based application for collecting fundraising during Covid-19 pandemics, FTEIC students successfully included in the 17 best ideas in the IDEAthon Indonesia 2020 competition.They are Etika Pahang, Muhammad Kemal, Zendika Dayongki, Ainur Rizal, Dimas Agung and Anisah Azhari. Through the guidance of two ITS Information Systems Department lecturers, Andre Parvian Aristio S Kom M Sc and Dr Mudjahidin ST MT, six students from the Information System Department succeeded in beating other 5590 proposals in an event themed Collaboration to Protecting the Nation from COVID-19.In the event organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency (Kemenristek/BRIN) the benchmarks of the idea proposals were the level of participation and interest of change-makers, the volume of the idea exchanges, the innovation of the technology utilized and business opportunities.Etika Pahang Krisdyan, the team leader stated that their ideas were motivated by the fact that there are many various platforms who do fundraising program during the Covid-19 pandemic. “The community is less encompassed in terms of centralized information,” he explained.The student who is familiarly called Pahang continues, various categories and targets of fundraising program also often confuse the community and led people to discouraged to donate. Thus, they innovate the idea of using aggregator databases to aggregate the information exist to provide centralized, filtered, ordered and clustered information of fundraising that facilitate the community to make donations.

Etika Pahang Krisdayan shows the interface of the web-based application made by his team

In this web-based application that called Databasedonasi, users can discover the donation category they prefer through the donation category feature. These categories include ready-to-eat food donations, personal protective equipment (PPE) and also groceries.The team’s supervisor, Andre Parvian Aristio stated that the department highly appreciated the achievements of the team. “Hopefully, we can conduct more creative idea that are applicable to help others in the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.The lecturer who is familiarly called Andre said that the idea will soon be realized in approximately five months from now on. He also plans to invite other student in the project, because the six members of the team are fourth year student and they will be busy with their final assignment.

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