

Di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) there are many scholarships from both the Government and the Private Sector, where the scholarship is very open to ITS students from all departments in ITS, including students from the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering (DTMI). The following is a list of some scholarships that can be obtained by students of the Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department while studying at ITS.

  1. PPA Scholarship (Increased Academic Achievement)
    BIDIKMISI is a tuition assistance for prospective students who are not economically capable and have academic potential both to study in higher education in excellent study programs until graduating on time.Complete information, click here

    2. PPA Scholarships (Increased Academic Achievement)

    PPA Scholarships are scholarships from the Government through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Kemristekdikti, to be given to students who have high achievements.

    Complete information, click here

    3. BBM Scholarship (Student Learning Aid)

    BBM Scholarships are scholarships from the Government through the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Kemristekdikti, to provide tuition assistance to students whose parents cannot afford to pay for their education.

    Complete information, click here

  1. Astra International, full info klik disini
  2. Beasiswa Djarum, full info klik disini
  3. Karya Salemba Empat (KSE), full info klik disini
  4. Sampoerna Foundation, full info klik disini
  5. Beasiswa Sobat Bumi, full info klik disini
  6. Beasiswa Etos, full info klik disini

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