

  1. Practical Work and Final Projects are compulsory subjects that must be taken by students as a prerequisite for passing the S-1 Geomatics Engineering – FTSPK, ITS. To facilitate students in understanding the rules and procedures, it is necessary to publish a book / guide.
  2. The lack of uniformity in size and writing format in the preparation of the Job Training and Final Project reports in the ITS environment has been around for quite a long time, to overcome this, the Academic Field of ITS has made the Final Drafting Rules that have been started since December 2006 to make management better and easier.
  3. The Geomatics Engineering Study Program welcomes this regulation by immediately implementing it since January 2007. However, in order to be more in line with the interests of the Study Program, the Drafting Rules provide several additions by not reducing the content and purpose of the drafting of the rules.
  4. It is hoped that Geomatics Engineering students can follow the Rules of Preparation of Practical Work and Final Project so that they can complete it according to the procedures, format and rules that have been set as well as possible


To provide an overview of the professional world off campus, the S1 Geomatics Engineering Study Program, ITS Geomatics Engineering Department facilitates internships for students, namely:

  1. Job Training, i.e., students undertake the internship process in an agency or company for 1 to 2 months. Generally done during the college vacation period. Practical work is mandatory for students and can be taken if the student has completed a number of SKS and prerequisite courses.
  2. Internships, namely students undertake a work internship process by solving certain problems at agency or company for at least 1 month. This activity is voluntary based on the wishes of the students concerned. In this activity students can gain knowledge and work experience but are also required to be able to adapt to the regulations and work culture in the agency or company. This activity is very good for adding relationships and can greatly facilitate practical work activities and the final project later.

For more details, you can download the Job Training and Internship Form here

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