Research Area

Data Acquisition and Information Dissemination

The Department of Geomatics Engineering aims to produce graduates who have academic / professional skills in the management of spatial, competent and skilled information systems in mastering survey and mapping technology based on information technology in order to support development in the information and globalization era.

Graduates must also be able to develop and disseminate knowledge and technology in the field of spatial information system management and use it for the welfare of society and enrich national culture. The Geomatics Engineering Bachelor Program has received an A accreditation from BAN PT. The new Masters Program received an A accreditation

Data and information is one of the vital elements in aspects of social life. Therefore, mastery of technology for data and information is very important for the welfare and sovereignty of the nation.


Research in the Geomatics Engineering Department covers the entire field of geodesy and geomatics. Most of the research is centered on four research groups, namely: the Surveying & Cadastre Laboratory, Geospatial Laboratory, Geo-Marin Laboratory, Geodesy & Geodynamics Laboratory and Geoinformatics Laboratory and is supported by the Center for Earth Studies Disaster and Climate Change (PSKBPI) -ITS. Current research projects covering the application of the Global Positioning System to the fields of geodesy, navigation, and Geographical Information Systems; Gravity field studies; The study of earth deformation; Modern techniques for geodetic network analysis; Research in marine geodesy; Satellite signal tropospheric propagation delay modeling; The study of the ionosphere and its effect on signals from navigation satellites; Study of geoid in Indonesia; Sea boundary; Satellite altimetry; Integrated survey scheme design for monitoring deformation in engineering and geoscience projects; Development of a common approach to deformation survey analysis; Use of the finite element method in integrated deformation analysis; Development of new measurement techniques for industrial metrology and precision alignment surveys; Development of a data management system to monitor deformation of engineering structures; Studies on land subsidence in mining areas; Integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems; Feature matching and extraction; Development of digital mapping and digital image analysis systems; Integration of digital maps and digital image data; Digital photogrammetry; Photogrammetry Technology with Drone / UAV, LiDAR. GIS software development; Spatial data exchange; Meta-spatial data; Spatial database; Multi dimensional search; Land administration system design; Spatial data infrastructure development; Land policy / administration studies; Land tenure rights and native rights.

Geospatial Laboratory : Husnul Hidayat, ST, MT

Geomarine Laboratory : Cherie Bhekti Pribadi, ST, MT

Surveying and Cadastral Laboratory : Dr. Filsa Bioresita, ST, MT

Geodesy and Geodynamics Laboratory : Akbar Kurniawan, ST, MT

Geoinformatics Laboratory : Agung Budi Cahyono, ST, M.Sc, DEA

Laboratory members in Geomatics Engineering can be seen here.

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