To become an international standard education program in the utilization and development of science and technology survey mapping to support the geospatial information industry and environmental management of natural resources
To become a national and international standard laboratory in the development of science and technology in the marine, onshore, offshore, and inshore field
To become a leading center of excellence in Indonesia and recognized by the International (Asia) in terms of innovation, education, and application of information technology in the geospatial field. With a projection to the future, computing and internet technology-based applications will cover all strategic, tactical and strategic levels in the field of human resource improvement, data acquisition technology application, database management, spatial data analysis and modeling as well as visualization technology which is always developing continuously. exploit the three pillars of innovation: the latest technology, the needs of society and the spatial industry
Supporting the vision and mission of the Geomatics Engineering Department related to surveying and cadastral
To become a research and education laboratory in the geospatial field that contributes to the scientific and professional development of geomatics at the national level and has an international reputation
The Department of Geomatics Engineering is part of the Ten November Institute of Technology, one of the best State Technical Campus (PTN BH) in Indonesia, the Department of Geomatics Engineering offers the education needed to answer the challenges of increasingly integral industrial technology development. With a combination of science and engineering, Geomatics Engineering students are ready to contribute to global development in various disciplines.
Student organization in Department of Geomatics Engineering for soft skills development
Achievements of students from Department of Geomatics Engineering in competitions and student exchange.
Click here for the information of career opportunities for graduates of Department of Geomatics Engineering.
ITS Dukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Lewat Pameran Capstone Design SDGs Oleh : itskaii | Â 379 | Source : ITS Online
Registration is open for Teaching Assistants (TA) and Graders for the 2024/2025 Odd Semester Department of Geomatics Engineering! Criteria:
Congratulations to the new students who have successfully passed the SNBT and SMITS admission to Geomatics Engineering ITS! 🌟
Department of Geomatics Engineering offers Bachelor Program (S1) , Master Program (S2) and Doctoral (S3)
ITS provides three registration schemes for undergraduate programs through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and PKM. Registration of postgraduate program is conducted through Pascasarjana, while for international students through International Office
ITS offers more than 200 programs with various scientific disciplines for prospective students in Indonesia and worldwide.