Career Prospect

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Graduates of the ITS Geomatics Engineering Department have the opportunity to pursue a career in a company or entrepreneurship. The following are some examples of work as graduates of our department:

Surveyor is a professional who works in the field of surveying and mapping, where his job is to collect coordinate data or the position of a point on the surface of the Earth through measurements of angles, distances, and other data retrieval. The surveyor profession concerns a very broad field of work where positioning is very important. The position data produced by a surveyor is the basis for making maps, where then the resulting map becomes key data in various activities such as construction, determination of administrative boundaries from the district / city to the state, determination of boundaries of land ownership, traffic navigation air and water, land mining and offshore oil drilling, and regional spatial planning. A surveyor specializing in land survey mapping is referred to as a land surveyor, in a more specific scope there is also the term cadastral surveyor specializing in land ownership mapping surveys. The first president of the United States, George Washington had a career as a land surveyor before becoming president. Because of its role that can be involved in all fields and Indonesia has a very wide area making the surveyor profession become important and prospective in the future.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that enables the process of collecting, storing, managing, analyzing, and presenting spatial and non-participatory data in an integrated manner. Some examples of the application of GIS technology are the presence of digital maps that not only display position data, but also display other data relevant to the use of the map, and can be updated regularly to adjust the latest conditions. An example is an online map service issued by various companies and government institutions, which are the basis of many mobile applications at present. Behind the sophistication and attractive appearance of these maps there is the role of GIS experts in designing these maps and ensuring their reliability, both in terms of position accuracy on the surface of the Earth and the information displayed. Along with the growing trend of location-based service for the wider community, in the future the need for GIS experts will be increasingly needed.

“Ngantor nggak harus indoor. Ngantor bisa di Pulau Alor”. Those who work as hydrographic surveyors must have (or even often) experienced situations such as those contained in the slogan. Hydrographic surveyors are surveyors who carry out mapping survey work in the field of hydrography, namely the science of mapping and positioning in the marine or aquatic environment. The main activities of hydrographic surveyors include mapping the seafloor, guiding waters navigation, and positioning in the aquatic environment, both on the surface, inside, and to the bottom. The role of a hydrographic surveyor will be very crucial in all activities carried out in the aquatic environment, for example in offshore oil drilling, installation of submarine cables and pipes, and the construction of coastal or offshore buildings. Indonesia with a large part of its territory in the form of water certainly will not be separated from infrastructure development and water resources management. Thus, Indonesia needs many experts in the field of hydrography to map the aquatic environment in Indonesia.

Mining as one of the complex industrial fields requires the role of surveyors in it. Mining activities in both open and closed mines cannot be separated from the positioning or use of maps due to the vast mining area. Map data and determination of this position are important to monitor the progress of mining activities. Because mining activities are very dynamic and cover large areas, the map of the mine area is always changing every time. For this reason, a map that is always updated is absolutely necessary. Some mining activities that require surveyor expertise include topographic surveys for land clearing, mine slope stability monitoring, land acquisition, measurement of production rates, asset and equipment management, reclamation and rehabilitation of post-mining land, and others. Indonesia as a country that has a lot of mineral resources has long dreamed of managing its own resource wealth. For this reason, it takes a lot of professionals in the mining sector, one of which is surveyors.

Photogrammetry is one method of mapping the surface of the Earth with aerial photo media and other electromagnetic wave sensors. In its development, photogrammetric technology is increasingly developing with the discovery of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): a method of mapping the surface of the Earth using laser irradiation from aircraft resistance. Photogrammetry and LIDAR are the backbone in providing large-scale maps with a very wide coverage area and can reach areas that are difficult to reach by road trip. This method is one of the standard methods in making maps both government and private. In Indonesia this method is used to update the Indonesian Digital topographical map issued by the Geospatial Information Agency. Whereas in some private companies such as plantations this method is also used to map plantation land and monitor plant conditions.

For those who are interested in national defense activities, joining military service is very possible for a geomatics engineering scholar. In Indonesia all the Indonesian National Armed Forces dimensions have a unit that deals with surveys and mapping, including the Army AD Topography Directorate, the Navy’s Hydro-Oceanographic Service, and the Air Force’s Survey and Photographic Service. The vast territory of Indonesia with a variety of land and water landscapes requires an updated map to support various field operations carried out by the TNI. Therefore, personnel who understand the survey and mapping are absolutely required by the TNI.

Geomatics engineering graduates can also make a career by establishing survey and mapping services companies. The survey and mapping services offered can focus on specific and diverse fields, according to the needs in Indonesia both in the construction, plantation, mining, spatial planning sectors, and others. In Indonesia a professional organization that houses survey and mapping services companies is the Mapping Survey and Geospatial Information Company Association. While the professional organization that houses surveyors in Indonesia is the Indonesian Surveyor Association. Compared to neighboring countries, Indonesia as a country with the widest area is fertile land for survey and mapping work. Therefore it takes a lot of mapping survey services and professional staff to drive development in Indonesia.

A career as a scientist and academician in Indonesia is also very possible for a scholar of geomatics engineering. There are several universities and research institutions in Indonesia that carry out education and research related to geospatial information in Indonesia. Compared with other engineering, geomatics techniques are still relatively little recognized and taught in Indonesia. Even though Indonesia needs many personnel who understand the management of geospatial information. Then the field of geomatics is one of the fields of development that is very rapid in the world so that Indonesia must follow these developments and require many researchers and academics in the field of geospatial information.

Geomatics engineering graduates can pursue careers in various government agencies, such as the Geospatial Information Agency; Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency; Technology Application Assessment Agency; National Aeronautics and Space Institute; Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council; and regional government.

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