IT Applications

IT Applications

Geomatics Engineering has several applications and information systems for students who capture attendance data, repositories and final project information systems. Find applications that make your learning process easy at ITS here.

myITS is an integrated information system that can be accessed by all ITS members. Students can access lecture schedule information, academic transcripts, plan extracurricular activities, and choose course classes. Access myITS can be done via this link. For Android and iOS smartphone users, myITS application is available on the AppStore and PlayStore

Find Geomatics Techniques that gather information about practical work here. In this information system, a collection of practical work reports is collected to be a reference for your practical work tasks. Find your practical work repository here

Find the Geomatics Technique that collects information about the final project here. In this information system collected a collection of final project reports to be your reference. Find the final project repository here.

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