TPA & TEFL Test Susulan bagi Mahasiswa Baru (Sarjana, Vokasi dan RPL) Tahun 2020/2021

Dengan hormat, Bersama ini kami sampaikan jadwal, panduan dan link Pelaksanaan Tes TPA dan

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Bachelor Thesis Proposal Evaluation (P1) – Even Semester 2020/2021

Dear All, Please be informed that Proposal Evaluation (P1) will be held on Tuesday-Thursday,

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EAS UPMB & DMARE 2020/2021 Schedule

EAS UPMB & DTSP 2020 – 2021 Schedule Details: EAS DTSP Gasal 20_21 Schedule

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Dynamic Positioning

When a free-floating body is placed in an offshore marine environment, environment force and

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Ship Resistance

In the case of a vessel which is undergoing steady motion at slow speeds,

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Shape of a Ship’s Hullform

The ship’s hull has evolved into a suprisingly subtle shape to meet following requirements

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