Pendidikan Tinggi dibidang Teknik Transportasi Laut pertama di Indonesia. Departemen ini didirikan dalam rangka untuk mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kompetensi tinggi dalam bidang transportasi laut.
Dengan gembira kami umumkan bahwa Seminar Internasional Teknologi Kelautan ke-24 (SENTA 2024) akan diselenggarakan di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, pada tanggal 31 Oktober – 1 November 2024. Tema konferensi tahun ini adalah “Inovasi Teknologi Kelautan Menuju Industri Maritim yang Berkelanjutan dan Berketahanan”,
Organization to improve soft skills an team work of Department of Marine Transportation Engineering students. ``Upgrade Yourself``
Student achievements in the Department of Marine Transportation Engineering in various competitions and championships ``Be the best``
Promising career opportunities in the maritime sector for Department of Marne Transportation Engineering graduates ``Your Future Starts Here``
Pengenalan Profesi Insinyur
ITS’ Achievemenet in QS – Asia University Rankings 2022
Panduan myITS Classroom (Untuk Mahasiswa) v1.0
Edaran Tentang Pelaksanaan Praktikum
B5 Buku Seatrans X Final 2_compressed Download
The Department of Marine Transportation Engineering only provides a Bachelor Degree (S1) Study Program at this time. The Master Degree (S2), Master Double Degree (S2) and Doctoral Degree (S3) Study Programs.
ITS provides three registration schemes for undergraduate programs through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and PKM. Registration of postgraduate program is conducted through Pascasarjana, while for international students through International Office.
ITS offers more than 200 scholarships from various programs for Indonesian students