Alumni Achievement


The election results finally decided Sinatriya Nurtama R as the first Chair of ITS Design IKA. On his occasion when met, the man who is familiarly called Tomi said that actually the formation of alumni ties was a continuation of the PraGath discourse meeting. Because, in the event there was a lot to mention about the socialization of the establishment of the IKA, the alumni brand and subsequent programs.
He then explained, the initiation of the formation of IKA Design has been around for a long time. “However, the activity of each alumni is a barrier to the realization of the plan,” said the CEO and owner of PT Pendopo Poetrokoesoeman.

The moment of inauguration was deliberately in conjunction with Ide Art 2013. “Indeed, we deliberately take moments like this because we want to invite alumni to reminisce with Despro activities and their communities,” said Tomi.

Furthermore, Tomi wishes that IKA Design will later become a pivot of a developing creative industry in Surabaya. This is because the gathering of alumni and students will certainly make it easier to communicate with each other.

In addition, this organization will provide convenience for students to carry out activities and academics. “Maybe it can help find work like that, or find sponsors for events,” continued the man who claimed to be a hobby of reading this.

Gede Arya Daiva

Binsar Priandika

Nur Ameliyah Rizkiyah

Made Arya Satria Dewangga

M Rumi Latif

Ian Reyhan, Rumi latif, Fikriyubi

2nd winner, 3rd winner, judge winner, top 10 winner

Muhammad Arif Susanto – Co Founder & CEO Dus Duk Duk

Mark Wijaya – Car Designer Toyota Astra

Bagus Khalid A Rahman – Designer Sepeda BMX Olimpiade Tokyo 2020

Fajar Ramadhan – Desainer Jersey Timnas Indonesia

Kadek Yogi Kusmawan – Footwear Designer

Farah Ash Syifa – Founder Nertur Bags

S Niamah – Founder Robries Gallery