Public Facilities

Public Facilities

The Industrial Design Department has a Futsal Field. Apart from being used for sports, this field is also used for departmental events, student assignment exhibitions, or student association events.

The Industrial Design Department has a place for worship for Muslims (Musholla), this prayer room is large enough to accommodate 15 to 30 people. The prayer room at Despro is on the 1st floor and also the 2nd floor.

Industrial Design Department ITS has sufficient parking space to accommodate many vehicles, both cars and motorbikes. Adequate parking space and parking guard staff are always ready on site.

One of the facilities at Industrial Design is parks and open spaces. This facility is most sought after by students, because it is in a cool and comfortable area to live in. Usually used as a teaching and learning tool by lecturers in the hope of being able to foster students’ love for nature, so that students get different situations so they don’t get bored quickly and become more interested in learning.