Material and Metallurgical Engineering Student Association



Vision :

Integration in action to HMMT FTI-ITS resilience in order to form optimal matrice

Mission :

  1. Building a comfortable and progressive internal HMMT FTI-ITS
  2. Create a sustainable good relationship with stakeholder in the harmonization of the movement to improve the positive image of HMMT FTI-ITS
  3. Realizing an adaptive and optimal organizational management system
  4. Strengthening the development of a structured and dynamic system to maximize the development of KM3 FTI-ITS students
  5. Optimizing the potential of all KM3 FTI-ITS members by maximizing services

Logo himpunan :

Logo kepengurusan :

Filosofi Logo :

  1. Panda = Melambangkan harmonisasi bagi Anggota Himpunan
  2. Bambu = Kemampuan untuk tumbuh dan tidak pernah runtuh
  3. Lingkar = HMMT yang selalu melayani dan mengayomi
  4. Angka 21 = Tahun kepengurusan yang dimulai dari tahun 2021 sampai dengan tahun 2022


Struktur Kepengurusan :