Department in Figures

Department in Figures

At present the ITS Material and Metallurgical Engineering Department has provided adequate educational facilities related to teachers, facilities in the building, and relations offered. There are 30 lecturers provided with 7 laboratories and 8 lecture rooms. In addition to having teaching qualities and adequate facilities for learning needs, the Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering also has students who continue to excel and make the name of ITS outstanding. These achievements include making a car named Antasena, developing ideas so that they win in National Student University, student exchanges and getting scholarships from foreign universities known to the world and learning entrepreneurs developing businesses.

DTMM Management Service Satisfaction Survey

Questionnaire for Measuring Stakeholders’ Satisfaction with DTMM Management Services Measuring satisfaction of DTMM management services to stakeholders: students, lecturers, education staff, graduates, users and partners who meet the following aspects:

  1. Using satisfaction instruments that are valid, reliable, easy to use,
  2. Carried out periodically, and the data is recorded comprehensively,
  3. Analyzed with appropriate and useful methods for decision making, and
  4. The level of satisfaction and feedback is followed up to improve and improve the quality of the output on a regular and systematic basis.
  5. A review of the implementation of the measurement of lecturer and student satisfaction.
  6. The results are published and easily accessible by lecturers and students.