Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in Industrial and System Engineering Department is designed for those who are devoted to high-quality research and desire to make significant contributions to the field of Industrial Engineering. Upon the completion of the program, graduates are required to publish their research in leading international journals. The program offers five optional specializations, including:

  1. Manufacturing System Engineering and Management
  2. Industrial System Optimization
  3. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  4. Human Factors and Occupational Safety and Health Engineering
  5. Engineering Management

Vission and Mission


Becoming an honorable department of Doctoral Program in the field of Industrial and System Engineering in Asia.


  1. To carry out and organize education in doctoral program with excellent standards,
  2. To provide a supportive research environment that can produce excellent Doctoral graduates where the results of their studies are published in reputable international conferences and international journals.
  3. To create an international academic network with departments that organize Doctoral Programs in Industrial and Systems Engineering or other similar fields, particularly those located in Asia.

Future students are expected to indicate a good academic record (minimum GPA 3.00) and meet the English language proficiency requirement (minimum TOEFL score 500). Acceptance of candidates will also follow the availability of supervisors and the suitability of prospective research topics.

Program Implementation
The doctoral program in Systems and industrial Engineering is a full-time program. We expect students to be able to work in the office/residential room regularly during working hours. This program consists of a mix of courses and research. During the course, students must attend and pass at least four courses, while working on their research proposal. Students need to present and defend their research proposal in front of a panel, which consists of a supervisor and three examiners. The same panel will also examine the results of the dissertation at the dissertation examination stage. Completion of the doctoral program is generally taken for 3-4 years.

In order to obtain a doctoral degree, students must complete all courses, defend their dissertation to meet university requirements, and publish at least one scientific paper in an international journal.

Nama : Dr. Dra. Gan Shu San, M.Sc
Judul disertasi : Economic Evaluation for Short Life Cycle Products in Closed-Loop Supply Chain with Remanufacturing
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suparno, MSIE.
Lulusan tahun : 2015
Jabatan Sekarang : Wakil Rektor bidang Pengembangan dan Sistem Informasi (WR IV)
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Nama : Dr. Adi Budipriyanto, S.T., M.T.
Judul disertasi : Port Collaboration Under Uncertainty : Joint Planning and Operation
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo, M.E.
2. Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP
Lulusan tahun : 2018
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Teknik Industri Universitas Bakrie
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Nama : Dr. Lala Ayu Kantari, S.T., CSCA
Judul disertasi : A Study of Contract and 0n-Demand in Transportation Services Sourcing
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP
2. Niniet Indah Arvitrida., ST., MT., Ph.D.
Lulusan tahun : 2021
Jabatan Sekarang : Vice President of ISCEA Indonesia
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Nama : Dr. Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari, S.T., M.T.
Judul disertasi : Model Persediaan yang mempertimbangkan Aspek Keberlanjutan untuk Sistem Rantai Pasok dengan Permintaan Stokastik
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP
2.  Dr. Ir. Mokh Suef, M.Sc (Eng)
Lulusan tahun : 2022
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Teknik Industri UNS
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Nama : Dr. Hana Catur Wahyuni, ST., M.T.
Judul disertasi : Model Manajemen Risiko Terintegrasi Food Safety dan Halal pada Industri Makanan
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Iwan Vanany, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, M.Eng.Sc.
Lulusan tahun : 2020
Jabatan Sekarang : Wakil Rektor 1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
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Nama : Dr. Ivan Gunawan, ST., MMT.
Judul disertasi : Model Pengambilan Keputusan pada Kondisi Food Recall berbasis Sistem Ketertelusuran
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Iwan Vanany, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
2. Dr.Eng. Erwin Widodo, S.T., M.Eng.
Lulusan tahun : 2020
Jabatan Sekarang : Kaprodi Program Profesi Insinyur Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
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Nama : Dr. Irwan Syahrir, S.Si., M.Si.
Judul disertasi : Model Persediaan Obat-Obatan Yang Optimal Dalam Sistem Healthcare Untuk Menghadapi Terjangkitnya Penyakit Epidemi
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suparno, MSIE.
2. Prof. Iwan Vanany, S.T., M.T., Ph.D
Lulusan tahun : 2021
Jabatan Sekarang : Wakil Dekan II Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
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Nama : Dr. Weny Findiastuti, S.T., M.T
Judul disertasi : Pengukuran  Eco-Efficiency dengan Pendekatan Sistem Produksi-Konsumsi untuk Ketahanan Pangan  Berkelanjutan
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. Moses Laksono Singgih, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Dr. Maria Anityasari, S.T., M.Eng.
Lulusan tahun : 2018
Jabatan Sekarang : Wakil Dekan 1 Fakultas Teknik Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
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Nama : Dr. Eko Budi Leksono
Judul disertasi : Pengembangan Model Pengukuran Kinerja Sustainable Healthcare Supply Chain
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suparno, MSIE.
2. Prof. Iwan Vanany, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
Lulusan tahun : 2019
Jabatan Sekarang : Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
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Nama : Dr. Thina Ardliana, S.T., M.T.
Judul disertasi : Integrasi Inventori dan Transportasi Multimoda Pada Model Multi-Echelon Supply Chain dengan Mempertimbangkan Emisi Karbon
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP
2. Nurhadi Siswanto, S.T, MSIE, Ph.D
Lulusan tahun : 2021
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen PPNS
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Nama : Dr. Diva Kurnianingtyas, S.Kom.
Judul disertasi : Strategi Rujukan Dan Premi Pada Sistem Asuransi Kesehatan Nasional
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof.Ir. Budi Santosa, MS.,Ph.D
2. Nurhadi Siswanto, S.T, MSIE, Ph.D
Lulusan tahun : 2021
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Universitas Brawijaya
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Nama : Dr. Rosita Meitha Surjani S.T., M.T.
Judul disertasi : Pengembangan Model Perancangan Dan Evaluasi Product-Service System Dengan Mempertimbangkan Multi-Aktor Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, M.Eng.Sc
2. Dr. Maria Anityasari, S.T., M.E
Lulusan tahun : 2021
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Teknik Industri UBAYA
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Nama : Dr. Ade Supriatna, S.T., M.T.
Judul disertasi : Maintenance Strategy for Leased Equipments : Framework, Model and Analysis
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. Moses L Singgih, M.Sc.Ph.D.
2. Erwin Widodo, S.T., M.Eng. Dr. Eng
3. Nani Kurniati, S.T., M.T.,Ph.D.
Lulusan tahun : 2021
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Teknik Industri Universitas Darma Persada
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Nama : Dr. Rony Prabowo, S.E., S.T., M.T., M.S.M.
Judul disertasi : Model Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah di Indonesia Melalui Pengembangan Produk Baru dengan Perspektif Inactive Problem
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. Moses L Singgih, M.Sc.Ph.D.
2. Erwin Widodo, S.T., M.Eng. Dr. Eng
3. Putu Dana Karningsih, ST, M.Eng.Sc, Ph.D
Lulusan tahun : 2020
Jabatan Sekarang : Ketua Jurusan Teknik Industri ITATS
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Nama : Dr. Erly Ekayanti Rosyida, ST, MT.
Judul disertasi : Pemodelan Jaringan Angkutan Multimoda dengan Mempertimbangkan Disrupsi
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof.Ir. Budi Santosa, MS.,Ph.D
2. Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., CSCP
Lulusan tahun : 2020
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Teknik Industri Universitas Islam Majapahit
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Nama : Dr. Ir. Endang Retno Wedowati, M.T.
Judul disertasi : Product and Process Modularity pada Industri Pangan
Nama Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Ir. Moses L. Singgih, M.Sc., PhD
2. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Gunarta, MT
Lulusan tahun : 2020
Jabatan Sekarang : Dosen Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
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Inaki Maulida Hakim
Agus Sugiyono
Danar Agus Susanto
Ardaneswari Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi
Rahmi Yuniarti
Diva Kurnianingtyas
Agus Imam Sonhaji, ST, M.MT
Dyah Herawatie, Ir. M.Si
Dr. Weny Findiastuti, S.T., M.T
Ika Deefi Anna, S.T., M.T.
Fitri Agustina, ST.,MT
Iffan Maflahah, STP, MSi
Dr. Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari, S.T., M.T.
Ir. Ig. Jaka Mulyana, STP., MT., IPM.
Joko Sulistio, S.T., M.Sc.
Agus Mansur, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., MPM., CRP.
Dr. Rosita Meitha Surjani S.T., M.T.
Rahman Dwi Wahyudi, ST, MT, MBA
Yohanes Tri Joko Wibowo S.T., M.T.
Etwin Fibrianie Soeprapto., MT
Dr. Thina Ardliana, S.T., M.T. Wiediartini, SE, MT
Anda Iviana Juniani, ST., MT.
Rina Sri Wulandari, S.T., M.T.
Mulya Adi Kredo Tengtarto S.T., M.T.
Yuniar Farida, M.T
Muhammad Fajar Wahyudi Rahman
Anik Dwiastuti ST.MT.
Dr. Hana Catur Wahyuni, ST., M.T.
Wiwik Sulistiyowati., ST., MT
Atikha sidhi cahyana, ST.,MT.
Boy Isma Putra, ST, MM
Dr. Dra. Gan Shu San, M.Sc
Andreas Handojo, M.MT
Yudi Syahrullah, S.T.,M.T.
Winda Narulidea, S.T., M.T.
Putri Amelia S.T,M.T, M.Eng, MOS, MCE
Andhika Eko Prasetyo, ST, MT
Christina, S.T., M.T.
Rainisa Maini Heryanto, S.T., M.T.
Santoso, S.T., M.T.
Puput Yusda Apriliana, S.E.,M.T.,Dess
Dr. Rony Prabowo, S.E., S.T., M.T., M.S.M. Suhartini, ST, MT
Anindya Rachma Dwicahyani, S.T., M.T.
Hilyatun Nuha, ST., MT., CSCA.
Fiky Two Nando, S.T., M.T.
Muhammad Isnaini Hadiyul Umam
Ir. Willy Tambunan, ST.,MT.,IPM.,A.Eng
Achmad Zaki Yamani, S.T.,M.T
Dana Prianjani ST., MT
Mike Prastuti, S.Si., M.Si
Sri Rejeki Wahyu Pribadi
Stefanus Eko Wiratno, ST.,MT.
Rita Desyanti, ST, MT
Dwi Iryaning Handayani ST. MT
Melati Kurniawati, STP, MT
Adi Rusdi Widya,S.T.,M.T.,IPM
Iskandar Zulkarnaen, ST., MT
Alloysius Vendhi Prasmoro, S.T., M.T., IPM, ASEAN Eng.
Moch. Anshori, ST., MT.
Adi Rusdi Widya,S.T.,M.T.,IPM
Shovella Santy Alrosjid
Dr. Eko Budi Leksono
Wisda Mulyasari S.ST., M.T
Ferial Hendrata S.Kom MT
Wiky Sabardi, ST., MT.
Ryan Pramanda, ST., MT.

Capstone Research, Kelompok 1

Capstone Research, Kelompok 2

Capstone Research, Kelompok 3

Capstone Research, Kelompok 4

  1. Academics: To become professional educators and academics who transform and develop education through research and community service, based on the “Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi” (three main purposes of higher education).
  2. Researchers: To become independent researchers who are able to conduct research professionally as well as carry out systematic and consistent analysis in the field of Industrial Engineering.
  3. Policy Maker (Bureaucrats, Business, and Industry): To become a policy maker, bureaucrat or one who generates ideas in order to solve real problems using industrial engineering approaches.
  1. Graduates will master the Industrial Engineering science and demonstrate the ability to develop knowledge through innovative, original, novel, and reliable works in designing, improving, and installing an integrated system consisting of man, material, equipment, money, information, and energy.
  2. Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to formulate problems in an integrated industrial system, at the micro, meso, and macro levels, propose alternative solutions, and carry out comprehensive multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary evaluations to obtain the best alternatives in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental sustainability.
  3. Graduates will be able to manage, lead and develop research on a scientific knowledge base in the field of Industrial Engineering with integrity and responsibility, and be able to communicate effectively regarding ideas and research to gain national and international recognition.
  1. Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management

Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (ManSys Lab)

This field of specialization prepares graduates to master concepts and be able to design, operate, manage, and carry out continuous improvements to Manufacturing Systems in a smart way to increase system efficiency by considering environmental (green) issues. Graduates from this specialization are suitable for work in various sectors, both in the manufacturing and service industries.

    1. Policy Design on Industrial Systems and Distribution

Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (ManSys Lab)

This field of specialization provides graduates with in-depth analytical skills through the intensive use of mathematical and optimization models, statistical models, as well as simulation models. Graduates will be suitable in various fields of work that require complex systems analysis, both in the manufacturing and service industries.

  1. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) Laboratory

This field of specialization provides graduates with the ability to design, plan, operate, and control the upstream to downstream material flow across organizations. Graduates will be suitable to work in the manufacturing industry for production planning and inventory control, procurement, and warehousing departments, as well as in the logistics industry.

  1. Human Factors and Occupational Safety & Health Engineering

Human Factors and Occupational Safety & Health Engineering Laboratory (HuFOSH Lab)

This field of specialization is designed to provide graduates with knowledge about the engineering of systems, products, and services to function effectively and efficiently based on the principles of occupational safety and health. Graduates will be suitable to work in fields related to the design of human-involved systems as well as occupational safety & health departments in various industries.

  1. Engineering Management

Industrial Management and System Design Laboratory (IMSDL)

This area of specialization provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to manage a variety of projects, including engineering projects, new product design projects, and innovations. Graduates are suitable for work in the manufacturing, service, and public

Graduates from the Doctoral Program in Industrial and Systems Engineering will be prepared as leaders and innovators in global competition in the field of industrial management. This program also provides the ability to think critically and analytically, leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork, and creativity in developing and implementing solutions.

Learn more about the Doctoral Program of Industrial and System Engineering curriculum here.

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