Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and this is a gift that cannot be prevented. Earthquakes will come at any time according to the time of repetition. *Earthquakes don’t kill but Building can or the effects caused by earthquakes can kill*.
New research from the Ministry of PUPR’s National Earthquake Study Center in 2017 shows that there are many faults/faults that have the potential for earthquakes. The number of active faults initially amounted to 90, now there are 285 active faults. Surabaya is one of the two faults that have the potential for earthquakes, namely the Surabaya Fault and the Waru Fault.
An active fault earthquake hazard assessment with an integrated approach of geology, geophysics and geotechnical will be very helpful in further mitigation actions so that the results of the study can be used in safe spatial planning.
Want to know more about active fault earthquake mitigation? ITS Geophysical Engineering presents: “MITIGASI GEMPA SESAR AKTIF” WEBINAR by inviting resource speaker:
which will be held on:
Come join, there will be an e-certificate for Webinar participants.
Teknik Geofisika ITS mengundang Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana (PVMBG) dalam program “PVMBG Goes To Campus” dengan 2 kali
Teknik Geofisika ITS mengundang menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu “SURVEI BATIMETRI”, bersama narasumber: Dr. Khomsin, S.T., M.T. (Dosen Teknik Geomatika ITS)