
To be able to study at ITS Geophysical Engineering, Youngsters of PTN 2023 Have Opportunities in 3 Selection Paths!

Thu, 12 Jan 2023
1:50 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has carried out various Free Learning transformations at all levels, both primary and secondary education to higher education in order to create superior human resources (HR) who behave in accordance with Pancasila values. To align the achievements of these changes, the Ministry of Education and Culture has devised a new direction of transformation in higher education, one of which is by launching Merdeka Learning Twenty-second Episode: Transformation of State University Student Selection (PTN).

 1. Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Prestasi

National selection based on merit focuses on giving high recognition for comprehensive learning success in secondary education.


2. Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes
National selection based on tests now focuses on reasoning and problem solving skills. Selection focuses on measuring reasoning and problem solving abilities. In test-based selection, there are no subject tests anymore, but only scholastic tests which measure four things, namely cognitive potential, mathematical reasoning, literacy in Indonesian, and literacy in English.

3.  Seleksi Secara Mandiri oleh PTN

In this way, the government arranges for the selection to be held in a more transparent manner by requiring PTNs to do several things before and after the selection process independently. Visit for registration information for independent selection by ITS.



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