
Webinar Geologi dan Tektonik Teluk Tomini dan Implikasinya terhadap Kebencanaan Geologi

Tomini Bay or also known as the Gorontalo Basin, Sulawesi is the deepest and

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Discussing Cooperation in Education, Direktorat Panas Bumi Visited ITS Geophysical Engineering

ITS Geophysical Engineering received a visit from the Geothermal Directorate, Ministry of Energy and

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Congratulations to Dr. Priatin Hadi Wijaya For Inauguration of Being “Analis Kebijakan Madya”

Geophysical Engineering congratulates to Dr. Priatin Hadi Wijaya For The Inauguration of Being “Analis

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Transfer Knowledge – Geothermal Goes To Campus 2019

Pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2019 telah dilaksanakan Kuliah Tamu yang diadakan di Gedung Rektorat

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