Started from 18 April until 26 April 2022, ITS Geophysical Engineering opened an internship program for overseas non-academic staff called GEOSTAITS (Geophysics Staff Internship in ITS). In this international program, internship staff received a series of lecture with the topic of “University Social Media Management”. Dihein Reksa Ikmaluhakim, ITS Geophysical Engineering staff who is in charge of social media handling and international affair, became the coordinator for this virtual program.
First Day of International Internship For Non Academic Staff GEOSTAITS held by ITS Geophyscial Engineering
The participants, who all came from Daffodil International University (DIU) Bangladesh, followed this program enthusiastically. In 6 days, they learned different various sub-topics around University Social Media Management in each day, start from how to make a good social media planning until how to execute social media promotion in excellent way.
Closing Remarks from Head of Department in International Internship For Non Academic Staff GEOSTAITS held by ITS Geophyscial Engineering
This program ended on the last day with presentation session from internship staff, which was about what insights they got during the program. DIU staff also expressed their appreciation to ITS Geophysical Engineering for conducting this program and they are willing to have collaboration in the future.
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