
Guest Lecture Videografi Wisata Alam Indonesia by Wulansary, S.Sos, M.Hum

Mon, 13 Sep 2021
11:36 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Currently the Covid-19 pandemic is hitting and there is no sign of stopping. The tourism industry slumped and had a domino effect on various sectors including MSMEs. Everyone must rise up and creative ideas are urgently needed so that together with the Pandemic they can still be empowered.

Some people have tried to make paid *Virtual Tour* and it turns out to be in great demand. Well…. want to know how to make nature tourism videos that many people can enjoy?

Therefore, Geophysical Engineering will have a guest lecture with the topic “Videografi Wisata Alam Indonesia” inviting the resource speaker:

  • Wulansary, S.Sos, M.Hum
  • Lecturer Diploma Program of  TV dan Film, Universitas 45 Surabaya

Which will be held on:

It is required for the students of Geowisata course. But it’s open for public, so come and join, the e-certificate will be provided for the participants.

The presentation of speaker can be downloaded through the following link once the event is finished:


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