ITS Geophysical Engineering invites not only the participant of Commtech 2021, but also students which is non participant, to join the Guest Lecture “Company Work Experience in Indonesia-Geothermal Drilling”, which will be held on:
For those of you who are curious about how is the work in Geothermal, this is your chance!
Find the presentation of the speaker on the following link, once the event is over:
Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITS bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) menyelenggarakan Webinar dengan topik “Dinamika Geologi Lingkungan Pantai
Sistem peringatan dini atau “Early Warning System (EWS) Gempa” harus terus diupayakan karena sangat penting dan dibutuhkan sebab bisa
Posisi geografi Indonesia berada di kawasan tumbukan lempeng yang aktif dan di kawasan iklim tropis. Artinya masyarakat Indonesia bermukim