Alhamdulillah … The vaccine has arrived at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS). The provision of temporary vaccines is the only effort or effort made to prevent the spread and transmission of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia and the world. ITS as one of the universities that are at the forefront of providing educational services in the city of Surabaya, really needs the academic community, namely lecturers and educators to get vaccines. Alhamdulillah, starting on Friday, March 26, 2021, at the Graha 10 November, in collaboration with the Surabaya City Government, the East Java Provincial Government, and the Surabaya Hajj Hospital, vaccines have been started for the ITS academic community. And do not miss the staff or library staff have also started to get vaccines in turn according to the set quota. Hopefully, by starting to be given this vaccine, ITS teaching and learning activities in general and library services, in particular, can be reopened as soon as before the pandemic. Hopefully, this pandemic will soon pass so we can live normally again. Take care of your health and don’t forget to be happy.
Dear EURAXESS ASEAN Community, Open Science is at the centre of the European Union’s research and innovation agenda. It
On Friday, July 12, 2024, the ITS Library was again lively with 28 elementary school students, CONVERSA Language Academy.
Surabaya, 15 July 2024 – In the era of globalization, communication skills, especially public speaking in English, are becoming
The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) library successfully held a book review event entitled “Machine Learning and Deep