
List of Lecturer

Ir. Joko Sarsetiyanto, M.T.

NIDN : 0002066107
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Automotive Combustion Engines
Email : joko_sarsetiyanto@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Head of Energy Conversion Laboratory
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Dr. Ir. Heru Mirmanto, M.T.

NIDN : 0016026209
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Pumps and Compressors
Email : hmirmanto@its.ac.id or hmirmanto@gmail.com
Structural Positions : Head of Department
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Dedy Zulhidayat Noor, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

NIDN : 0006127502
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Thermo Fluid Mechanics
Email : zulhidayat@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Deputy Head of Study Center Appropriate Technology
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Arino Anzip, M.Eng.Sc.

NIDN : 0014076106
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Pneumatic Hydraulic and Fluid Power System
Email : arino@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Coordinator of the Student Affairs Consultation Team in the Department
Publication : [Scopus] [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Giri Nugroho, S.T., M.Sc.

NIDN : 0029107906
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Thermo Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Computing Methods
Email : giri.n@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Muhammad Lukman Hakim, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0008039401
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Email : lukman@its.ac.id or lhakimd3mits@gmail.com
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Dimitra Meidina Kusnadi, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0016051201
Academic Position : Lecturer
Areas of Expertise : Energy Conversion Engineering Technology
Email : dimitra@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Budi Luwar Sanyoto, M.T.

NIDN : 0014116204
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Mechanical Design Engineering, Kinematics and Dynamics
Email : sanjoto@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Head of Mechanical Design Engineering
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Dr. Ir. Bambang Sampurno, M.T.

NIDN :  0019096504
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Mechatronics
Email : bsampurno65@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Deputy Dean of the Vocational Studies Faculty
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Suhariyanto, M.T.

NIDN : 0024046208
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Mechanical Design
Email : suhariyanto@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Secretary of Department
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Liza Rusdiyana, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0017058005
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Mechanical Design Engineering and Automation Control
Email : liza@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus] [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Mashuri, S.Si., M.T.

NIDN : 0030049103
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Mechatronics, Instrumentation and Control
Email : mashuri@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Dika Andini Suryandari, S.T., M.T.

Academic Position : Lecturer
Areas of Expertise : Vibration Engineering
Email : dikaandinis@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Winarto, DEA

NIDN : 0013126008
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Manufacturing Engineering Technology, CAD & CAM CNC
Email : winartoits@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Head of Manufacturing Laboratory
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Mahirul Mursid, M.Sc.

NIDN : 0026066212
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Manufacturing Engineering Technology and Industrial Metrology
Email : mursid@me.its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Hendro Nurhadi, Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D.

NIDN : 0020117505
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechatronics and Automation Control
Email : hdnurhadi@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Head of Center of Excellence for Mechatronics and Industrial Automation
Publication : [Scopus] [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Rivai Wardhani, S.T., M.Sc.

NIDN : 0022078102
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Substractive and Additive
Email : rivaiw@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Rizaldy Hakim Ash Shiddieqy, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0010029302
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Designing and Manufacturing
Email : rizaldy@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Eddy Widiyono, M.Sc.

NIDN : 0025106008
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Materials Engineering and Metallurgy
Email : eddy_w@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Head of Metallurgy and Material Engineering
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Hari Subiyanto, M.Sc.

NIDN : 0023066004
Academic Position : Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise : Welding and Fabrication Engineering Technology and Metal Casting Techniques
Email : hari_subiyanto@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ir. Nur Husodo, M.S.

NIDN : 0021046109
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Jig and Fix
Email : nur_husodo@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Dr. Atria Pradityana, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0024118501
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Materials Engineering, Metallurgy, and Corrosion
Email : atria@its.ac.id
Structural Positions : Head of Study Program on Applied Bachelor Program of Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Publication : [Scopus]  [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

Ahmat Safa'at, S.T., M.T.

NIDN : 0025079404
Academic Position : Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise : Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Composites and Fracture Mechanics
Email : safaat@its.ac.id
Structural Positions :
Publication : [Scopus] [SINTA]  [Google Scholar]

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