
Welcome In The Department Material And Metallurgy Engineering ITS!

Program selection revenue students the Department Material and Metallurgy Engineering are managed comprehensively by the bureau administration learning and welfare student (BAPKM). Information thing, please visit from this page.

Calon Mahasiswa – Pendaftaran

1. Informasi Pendaftaran masuk ITS
2. Pendaftaran program
3. Kanan atas : Masuk – Daftar
4. Pilih Program

Program selection the new students for the program scholar at ITS, reference to regulation the minister of research, technology, and higher education (Permen Ristek Dikti number 2 2015, on the receipt of new students program scholar in universities, as modified by regulation the minister of research, technology, and higher education the republic of Indonesia Number 45 2015. Program selection will be done through the selection 3 :

  1. Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN)
  2. Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN)
  3. Seleksi Mandiri : Program Kemitraan dan Mandiri (PKM)

Their capacity a the incoming new students even a bachelor degree its for each of a program of study that are received through snmptn 30 % ( thirty four percent ) on each of a program of study , through sbmptn 40 % ( forty percent of ) on each of a program of study and through the selection of mandiri has been somewhat successful 30 % ( thirty four percent ) on each of a program of study .

Information on the requirements and procedures for the submission of program selection in the receipt of the incoming new students magister can be seen at the website official :

Program Magister dan Doktoral ITS 

For information about the requirement and how to apply to ITS, please click here.