
Webinar Sambil Ngabuburit: IKN-ATLANTIS-P.BAWEAN

Thu, 14 Apr 2022
1:39 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

IKN Nusantara is located at the midpoint of Indonesia so that all citizens have the same distance to the capital. The location of this IKN is also around the fourth century kingdom of Mulawarman and is the first kingdom in Indonesia. Recent research and is still being researched shows that IKN is also not far from the lost city of Atlantis. In this webinar we will get the latest updates from the Atlantis City research.

The hypothesis of the existence of the location of Atlantis in Sundaland began to be built by experts including Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos, Ph.D (2010) places definitively that Atlantis is in Indonesian territory, Danny Hilman in his book “Plato Doesn’t Lie About Atlantis Is Part of Indonesian History (2014)”. Dhani Irwanto in his book “Atlantis the Lost City in the Java Sea, 2015”. Based on data findings in the field, using an image approach of geography, climate, layout of plains and cities, hydraulics of rivers and canals, produce, social structure, customs, mythology, and destruction in detail, including dimensions and orientation. So Atlantis is in the Java Sea.

P Bawean is thought to be one of the cities of Atlantis because the island area is formed by an active volcano which always or in a certain period releases volcanic ash which will renew the agricultural land around it. So that this area becomes fertile continuously. The results of a study by the BRIN Prehistoric and Historical Research Center (formerly BALAR DIY) stated that there were many remnants of settlements in the past. Atlantis research and archaeological research on Bawean Island are very important for Bawean Island because currently Bappeda Gresik is planning to develop Bawean Island as a Geopark area.

We, the Pusat Kajian Peradaban Majapahit and the Department of Geophysical Engineering invite competent speakers, namely the author of the book Atlantis and researchers from the BRIN Prehistory and History Research Center (formerly BALAR DIY) and the Gresik Regency Government:

  • Dhani Irwanto (CEO Indonesia Hydro Consult)
  • Hery Priswanto (Peneliti Ahli Muda Pusat Riset Sejarah dan Prasejarah, BRIN)
  • Dian Palupi Chrisdiani (Kepala Bidang Infrastruktur  dan Kewilayahan Bappeda Gresik)

and act as moderator:

  • Hertiari Idajati, S.T., M.Sc. (Dosen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota ITS).

Let’s join in this Ngabuburit Webinar which will be held on:


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