This year, the ITS Chancellor set a target for ITS to become the Top 500 in the World Class University (WCU) ranking. Geophysical Engineering as one of the departments at ITS, also supports the program by organizing various activities. One of them is by holding a socialization of the ITS Goes To Top 500 WCU program to ITS Geophysical Engineering alumni.
With the help of ITS Geophysical Engineering alumni, it is hoped that it will add to the Employer Reputation database which is one of the assessment factors for the QS University World Ranking University. Held on Saturday, August 6, 2022, the socialization event for alumni was led by a Geophysical Engineering lecturer, Nita Ariyanti, M.T. Positive responses from alumni were also obtained in this online meeting, where alumni stated they were ready to support Employer Reputation data in order to support ITS Goes To Top 500 World Class University.
Posisi Indonesia yang terletak di kawasan tektonik aktif dan berada di kawasan katulistiwa memberi berkah bagi negara, karena telah
Teknik Geofisika ITS akan menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan topik Aplikasi Kebencanaan INARISK, bersama narasumber: Takhul Bakhtiar (Pratisi Edukasi U-INSPIRE;
Teknik Geofisika ITS akan menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan topik Gineakologi Arsitektur Majapahit, bersama narasumber: Ir. Andy Mappa Jaya, M.T.