
ITS Geophysical Engineering Has More Engineer Certified Lecturers

Mon, 17 Oct 2022
12:10 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |
Saturday, October 15, 2022 became a brightful day for ITS Geophysical Engineering lecturers, who carried out the Graduation of the Professional Engineer Program (PII).
After undergoing a program under ITS Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology for 1 semester, 2 ITS Geophysical Engineering lecturers, Nita Ariyanti, M.Eng and Eki Komara, M.T. successfully passed this program and was officially given the title of Ir (Engineer).
With this graduation, hopefully the knowledge gained can bring benefits and blessings, especially for the Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS.

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