
Dr. Maman Hermana, Adjunct Professor for ITS Geophysical Engineering frm Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia

Thu, 19 Jan 2023
9:47 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

ITS Geophysical Engineering congratulate to Petroleum Geosciences, Universiti Teknologi Petronas due to the inauguration of Dr. Maman Hermana for being ITS Adjunct Professor.  Adjunct professors are defined as professors who are hired on a contractual basis. Adjunct professors at ITS Surabaya may choose one of two types: teaching-based or research/publication-based commitment.

Dr. Maman Hermana is a Senior Lecturer in UTP which has more than 20 year experiences on research and teaching in geosciences. His research field which he is expert at such as:

  • Extensive exposure to rock physics, AVO-Seismic modelling/programming, seismic inversion, EEI/AVO rotation technique for better lithology and hydrocarbon prediction.
  • Experience in applying various geophysical methods and software (Matlab, RokDoc, HRS, Seismic Unix, Opendtect, Omega, Tesseral, Geogiga, and Jason Inversion software.
  •  Experience on seismic fluid modelling through fluid and lithology replacement analysis, Time Lapse Seismic monitoring by using seismic attributes, CO2 Injection monitoring on laboratory and modelling, fractured basement reservoir characterization, reservoir imaging using seismic tomography.

By this inauguration, ITS Geophysical Engineering hope that the collaboration between ITS and UTP will become more fruitful.


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