The Festival Student Scientific Forum (FIMA FEST) 2021 is a national level competition organized by the Student Scientific Forum UKM of the Muria Kudus University.
FIMA FEST 2021 has several competitions, namely the National Essay Competition (NEC) and the National Poster Competition (NPC).
Check out the terms and conditions in the following poster, and register yourself via the website:
Posisi Indonesia yang terletak di kawasan tektonik aktif dan berada di kawasan katulistiwa memberi berkah bagi negara, karena telah
Teknik Geofisika ITS akan menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan topik Aplikasi Kebencanaan INARISK, bersama narasumber: Takhul Bakhtiar (Pratisi Edukasi U-INSPIRE;
Teknik Geofisika ITS akan menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan topik Gineakologi Arsitektur Majapahit, bersama narasumber: Ir. Andy Mappa Jaya, M.T.