Praise The Lord, because only from His Grace and Guidance that the Geophysics Engineering Department FTSPK-ITS could be developed and improved. The Website of Geophysics Engineering Department ITS gives information from the department to the public that can be accessed by students, professors, educational personnel, alumnus, and stakeholder. The hope of this website is to establish good communication between the Department and the whole civitas academica or anyone who wants to learn more about the Geophysics Engineering Department FTSPK-ITS . The desired end goal is the Department became widely known both nationally and internationally. We are aware that this website is in development, so we expect criticisms and suggestions from visitors for the sake of improvement and advancement of the Geophysics Engineering Department.
Head of Geophysical Engineering Department FTSPK-ITS
The following is the Explanation of the Work Program Evaluation :
Berikut ini Penyampaian Evaluasi Program Kerja :