Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals


“Sustainable development is the responsibility of every part of society, across the world. It cannot be achieved without linkages, across the goals, but also between institutions, governments, companies, NGOs, and people.”
(THE Impact Rankings)

Relationships to Support the Goals

ITS Conducted SDGs Data Analysis Training to Enable District-Level Adaptive Management


Manifesting ITS commitment in enabling adaptive management of villages and community in Indonesia, ITS collaborated with the government of Sidoarjo District to hold a training in measurement and data analysis to measure SDGs villages achievement. It is also expected that it would also be a good model for future business development in the data sector.

ITS and Banjarmasin Disaster Management Agency Mapped the Spatial Distribution of South Kalimantan Floods to Develop Flood Mitigation


Through community service, ITS assisted Banjarmasin Disaster Management Agency in the mapping of the spatial distribution of South Kalimantan flood using polarization imaging. The map is expected to be used for the development of local flood mitigation.

ITS Trains ex-Dolly Kampong Members Herbs Diversification Aiming at Production


Supporting the sustainable transformation of Dolly, an ex-night entertainment kampong, ITS provides a series of training and education related to herbal plant diversification, as an effort to develop strategies to support the village’s economy.

ITS Conducted SDGs Data Analysis Training to Enable District-Level Adaptive Management


In the manifestation of ITS commitment in enabling adaptive management of villages and community in Indonesia, ITS collaborated with the government of Sidoarjo District to hold a training in measurement and data analysis to measure SDGs villages achievement. This resulted in the establishment a survey body, with an aim on collecting aspirations from cross-sector, district-level stakeholders.

SIT-IHI-ITS Coproduced Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) to Tackle Issues in Society, Urban Mobility, Infrastructure for the Disabled, and Disaster Management


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), was invited to be co-hosts of Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) with a Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan and IHI Corporation, a comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer having history extends back to the establishment of Japan’s first modern shipbuilding facility in 1853, Ishikawajima Shipyard. The coproduction was as an effort in maintaining the quality of global education, and to strengthen the partnership of consortium-based university-industry linkage.

ITS Held a Cross-Sector Joint Workshop in Rehabilitation Technology with JAMK Finland, City Councils, Doctors and Experts


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) commemorated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd by holding a cross-sector joint workshop inviting JAMK Finland, the East Java Province, UNAIR Hospital, and dr. Soetomo Hospital on December 17, 2021, emphasizing on the rehabilitation urgencies in Indonesia, the rehabilitation technology and its needed human resources, health insurance funding support in rehabilitation, and plans for the rehabilitation technology and human resources reinforcement in the future.

Inviting Global Experts, ISOCEEN Promoted Ocean-Coastal Potentials and Consortium-based Asia-Pacific Partnership for Ocean Sustainability


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)’s the Department of Marine Engineering ITS and Tohoku University, Japan annually collaborate to present ISOCEEN since 1997. The cooperation is well established and develops over time and includes other countries that have a maritime focus including the Netherlands, Korea, Germany, Portugal, and others in both Asia-Pacific and Europe. Highlighting the importance of testing, survey, and risk assessment on the implementation of Ballast Water Management (BWM), the 2021 ISOCEEN focuses on exploring the potentials of ocean-coastal, innovation, and collaboration for SDGs.

ITS-Danish Embassy Conducted Initial Discussion on Green Maritime


Fostering international collaboration, ITS welcomed the Danish Ambassador to Indonesia, the Head of Maritime and Defense, and the Deputy Head of Mission on their second visit to the campus. The embassy delegation came with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the fields of maritime, telecommunications, student exchange, internships, and research collaborations primarily in the Green Maritime sector which includes ship design, hybrid/electric ships, and alternative fuels.

SIT-IHI-ITS Coproduced Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) to Tackle Issues in Society, Urban Mobility, Infrastructure for the Disabled, and Disaster Management


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), was invited to be co-hosts of Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) with a Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan and IHI Corporation, a comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer having history extends back to the establishment of Japan’s first modern shipbuilding facility in 1853, Ishikawajima Shipyard. The coproduction was as an effort in maintaining the quality of global education, and to strengthen the partnership of consortium-based university-industry linkage.

ITS-Danish Embassy Conducted Initial Discussion on Green Maritime


Fostering international collaboration, ITS welcomed the Danish Ambassador to Indonesia, the Head of Maritime and Defense, and the Deputy Head of Mission on their second visit to the campus. The embassy delegation came with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the fields of maritime, telecommunications, student exchange, internships, and research collaborations primarily in the Green Maritime sector which includes ship design, hybrid/electric ships, and alternative fuels.

INCUBITS: ITS-UNICEF-Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing’s Platform for Tackling Water and Sanitary Issues and Innovation


ITS, collaborating with the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) and UNICEF, launched an innovation program called Incubus, a platform for experts, innovators, and community to develop ideas and innovations in WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), with focus on providing access to clean water and healthy sanitation to ensure healthy environment for every growing child.

SIT-IHI-ITS Coproduced Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) to Tackle Issues in Society, Urban Mobility, Infrastructure for the Disabled, and Disaster Management


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), was invited to be co-hosts of Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) with a Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan and IHI Corporation, a comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer having history extends back to the establishment of Japan’s first modern shipbuilding facility in 1853, Ishikawajima Shipyard. The coproduction was as an effort in maintaining the quality of global education, and to strengthen the partnership of consortium-based university-industry linkage.

INCUBITS: ITS-UNICEF-Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing’s Platform for Tackling Water and Sanitary Issues and Innovation


ITS, collaborating with the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR) and UNICEF, issued an innovation program called Incubus, a platform for experts, innovators, and community to develop ideas and innovations in WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), with focus on providing access to clean water and healthy sanitation to ensure healthy environment for every growing child.

SIT-IHI-ITS Coproduced Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) to Tackle Issues in Society, Urban Mobility, Infrastructure for the Disabled, and Disaster Management


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), was invited to be co-hosts of Global Project-based Learning (gPBL) with a Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan and IHI Corporation, a comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer having history extends back to the establishment of Japan’s first modern shipbuilding facility in 1853, Ishikawajima Shipyard. The coproduction was as an effort in maintaining the quality of global education, and to strengthen the partnership of consortium-based university-industry linkage.

ITS Held a Cross-Sector Joint Workshop in Rehabilitation Technology with JAMK Finland, City Councils, Doctors and Experts


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) commemorated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd by holding a cross-sector joint workshop inviting JAMK Finland, the East Java Province, UNAIR Hospital, and dr. Soetomo Hospital on December 17, 2021, emphasizing on the rehabilitation urgencies in Indonesia, the rehabilitation technology and its needed human resources, health insurance funding support in rehabilitation, and plans for the rehabilitation technology and human resources reinforcement in the future.

Publication of SDG Reports

Education for the SDGs

Insight and Application of Technology (IAT) Course


ITS manifests the university commitment to a meaningful education around SDGs by providing Insight and Application of Technology (IAT) or Wastek, a technology, innovation, and SDGs-based, general course which prepares students to develop critical and systematic thinking to solve problems that exist in society. This course is mandatory and designed for senior students of all majors. Towards the end of the lecture, students will design a meaningful, community service proposal that is relevant to their fields.

ITS Center of Study for SDGs: Boost Exposure, Networking, and Education & Training for Village Resilience 2021


The Center of Study for SDGs (Pusat Kajian SDGs ITS) is one of the five centers of study initiated by ITS as a concrete commitment of ITS to support the government’s program in accelerating the implementation of SDGs in Indonesia, particularly in Eastern Indonesia. Taken from the Roadmap and Featured Theme of 2021’s Center of Study, ITS Center of Study for SDGs is on its stage to develop quality standards, create empowerment systems, strengthen existing systems, innovation, and collaborate with local and national governments across East Java, NTB, NTT, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi region.

Collaboration made with local and international institutions is also proof, that the ITS Center of Study for SDGs is keen to contribute to solving developmental issues in Indonesia which are related to the 17 goals of SDGs.


SDGs Education at ITS


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is committed to providing meaningful education that is relevant to the needs of today’s society and can be applied as a solution to problems using the SDGs as the parameter. This commitment is manifested in several courses offered to the students and the community outside the campus. A compulsory course titled Insights and Application Technology (IAT), a mandatory course for senior students, introduces the necessity implementing SDGs in problem solving. An elective class for students who are interested in understanding more is also provided entitled Sustainable Development course. Accessible for ITS students, lecturers, researchers, NGOs, community outside campus, and offered for international partners is a series of guest lecture entitled Guest Lecture Series on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), open in spring and fall. Incidental workshops and training are also offered by SDGs Center of Study, offered for targeted communities and villages to develop SDGs education, literacy, and aiming for independence and adaptive management.

Guest Lecture Series in Sustainable Development Goals (GLS on SDGs)


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as a leading university in the field of science and technology in Indonesia is committed to the development of engineering and science and also the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This program, running twice a year in spring and fall since 2020, serves as a platform for global academicians, researchers, professors, as well as NGOs to update knowledge and share insights and innovation in the implementation of the principles of SDGs to solve problems in society.

Integrated into ITS department-based elective courses for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels, GLS on SDGs is also open for public to participate. 

Sustainable Development Course


One of the SDGs courses provided by ITS is Sustainable Development, an elective course aiming at providing students with skills in sustainable resource management (3 pillars of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental). in the context of Urban and Regional Planning, the course allows students to get updated on the key issues of sustainable development, know how to use the tools to measure sustainable development, understanding sustainable development related to clean water, food agriculture, and carrying capacity and its integration in the context of cities, regions, and coastal area.

To give back to the community, ITS dedicates outreach educational activities for the wider community including providing sources of independent learning on SDGs to reduce inequality especially for villagers, suburbans and guidelines for students to create ideas to implement in problem-solving activity in the local community, and providing a platform that is open for public and alumni to catch up with the university’s contribution in SDGs.

Independent Learning Sources:

Sustainable Development Goals > SDG 17