CALL FOR PAPER The Fifth Information Systems International Conference 2019 Surabaya (Indonesia), July 23-24,
Strategic issues that are the basis and research focus of the Data Acquisition
About RDIB Vision Become one of the research laboratories in the field of data
Strategic issues that are the basis and research focus of the Information Systems
Information System Management (MSI) The Information Systems Department was established in 2015 along with
The Enterprise System (Lab. SE) was established in the odd semester of 2015/2016,
ITS Information Systems Department Encourages students to improve their skills through international standard certification.
Our resource person this time is Mas Dommy Dyotama, who is familiarly called Mas
Semangat Pagi, sisfor! Bagi kalian yang sedang mencari kerja, ada info menarik nih, check
SURABAYA, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER – Semangat untuk terus memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan sekitarnya
The Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has achieved a remarkable feat as its Bachelor’s
Information Systems Doctorate Bootcamp is a 3-day workshop and 4x coaching in 2 months
According to the Government Law No 54 year 2015, the President of Republic Indonesia
Thursday, July 25, 2019, information system department ITS has special guests Prof. Rosemann whom
Sunday 11 March 2018, Mrs. Risma close as the mayor of Surabaya attended the