
Campus Leaders Program for Environmental Project: Tangerang City’s LestariClimate Village Program-2023

Tue, 21 Dec 2021
1:16 pm
MBKM Activities
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Oleh : Admin-Perancanaan Wilayah Kota   |

In the 2022 internship program, CLP will specifically focus on two projects, namely the TB control project specifically for the East Jakarta Region and the Tangerang City Climate Village Program. The focus of the project is based on lessons learned from the previous internship Batch (which has already been running in batch III), particularly Batch III which is currently running until October 2021. Analysis of the lessons learned in that batch is that there are crucial and detailed findings to be developed, namely the TB elimination prevention program and the village program. climate.

Regarding environmental projects, the focus will be on the climate village program in which “handling climate change” is part of the 2030 SDGs”. The Benua Lestari Indonesia Foundation (BLI) received a climate village award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2018. However,The development of this climate village is experiencing challenges related to how to develop a sustainable program that focuses on waste alms that can represent water alms and oxygen alms. This focus is part of tackling Tangerang City’s very high waste production, which is 200-300 tons per day (source: Tangerang City Environmental Service, 2019). The waste alms in the sustainable program will also focus on improving the community’s economy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, namely by developing sociopreneurship-based waste management in various BLI assisted areas. Garbage alms will also accommodate water alms through waste management in puddles and provide oxygen alms through waste management on land.Through the CLP internship program in partnership with Merdeka Campus, it is hoped that Proklim Lestari can be realized with the involvement of the younger generation, in this case students, to analyze and develop programs to realize a sustainable program that focuses on waste alms.

Developed Competencies :
1. Build relationships with the media
2. Making a documentary about BLI’s track record towards achieving Proklim
3. Developing the Public Relations function within the organization
4. Create offline and online content for assessment and survey needs
5. Designing social media content
6. Designing a campaign strategy related to Proklim in the Tangerang area and its implementation
7. Analyzing social media statistics

Full details can be found at the following link: :

Campus Leaders Program for Environmental Project: Tangerang City’s LestariClimate Village Program-2023

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