
Department History

Embryo of ITS’s Urban and Regional Planning Department (PWK) is the City Planning and Design Laboratory of the ITS Architecture Department, which is one of the laboratories in the ITS Architecture Department.

The idea of ​​establishing a Planology Department was launched around the eighty-five years by Dr. Ir. Herbasuki Wibowo, MUP, who was then Head of the City Planning and Design Laboratory. This idea was followed up by accepting new lecturers from Planology education backgrounds, namely Ir. Subandrio, Ir. Sardjito, Ir. Eko Budi Santosa, and Ir. Putu Rudy Satiawan. However, this idea had not received a response and the formation of the Planology Department could not be realized at that time.

The idea to reopen the Planology Department was pioneered again around 1998 when the Head of the City Planning and Design Laboratory was held by Ir. Heru Purwadio, MSP. Various preparations were made to realize the opening of this department, including seeking support from various parties inside and outside ITS. The internal party that supports the establishment of the Planology Department is the Chair of the Department of Architecture which was then held by Prof. Dr. Ir. Happy Ratna S, MSc, and the Dean of the FTSP ITS which was then held by Prof. Dr. Ir. Nadjadji, MSc. The external party that provided written support was the Chair of the ITB Planology Engineering Department, which was then held by Dr. Ir. Heru Purboyo, MSc. However, the ITS Chancellor has not given the green light to open the Planology Department.

In 2000 the ITS Chancellor gave approval for the opening of a new study program with the name of the Regional and City Planning Study Program by sending the Opening Proposal of the FTSP-ITS Urban and Regional Planning Study Program. On August 30, 2001, through Letter Number: 2825 / D / T / 2001, the Directorate General of Higher Education issued a License for the Implementation of the Regional and City Planning Departments for Undergraduate Degree. Regional and City Planning Studies which are valid for two years.

Based on the Operating Permit for the Regional and City Planning Department, on October 1, 2001, the Dean of the FTSP issued a Decree of the ITS FTSP Dean Number: 3084 / K03.3 / TU / 2001 concerning Appointment of Daily Managers to the Head of Department and Daily Executive Secretary of the Regional and City Planning Department , with the arrangement as follows:

Daily Executive Chairperson of the Department: Ir. Heru Purwadio, MSP
Daily Secretary Secretary Department: Ir. Eko Budi Santosa, Lic.Rer.Reg
With assignments:

a. Compile curriculum and syllabus

b. Preparing Human Resource Needs

c. Preparing Facilities and Infrastructure Needs

d. Organizing Promotions and Socialization

The PWK department began accepting new students in the 2002/2003 school year through SNMPTN. In 2002 the Dean of FTSP issued a Appointment Decree to the Head of the 2002-2003 Regional and City Planning Department with the following arrangements:

Head of Department: Ir. Eko Budi Santosa, Lic.Rer.Reg.
SecretaryDepartment: Ir. Putu Rudy Satiawan, MSc

#Furthermore, the leaders of the 2003-2007 Regional and City Planning Department were:

Head of Department: Ir. Eko Budi Santosa, Lic. Rer. Reg.
Secretary of the Department: Ir. Heru Purwadio, MSP

#The leaders of the Regional and City Planning Department for the 2007-2011 period are:

Head of Department: Ir. Sardjito, MT
Secretary of the Department: Ir. Heru Purwadio, MSP

#The leaders of the Regional and City Planning Department for the 2011-2015 period, are:

Head of Department: Putu Gde Ariastita, ST, MT
Secretary Department: Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, ST, MSc

#Starting from the 2015 period until now the Regional and City Planning Department is led by:

Head of Department: Adjie Pamungkas, ST, M.Dev, Plg, PhD
Secretary of the Department: Dian Rahmawati, ST, MT.

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