The ITS library will hold an online webinar with the theme of Strategies for Scholarly Impact: Publication Guidance and Peer Review With Emerald
📅 Thursday, November 30, 2023 🕘 10.00-12.00 WIB 🖥️ Media Zoom Meeting (Link Zoom:
Speaker: 🎙 Irwan Sukardi (Bussines Manager, Emerald Publishing)
Moderator: 🎙 Eva Mursidah, S.I.Pust. (ITS Librarian)
This activity is free for ITS academicians (students & lecturers) and general. Please click the activity zoom link without the need to register. E-certificate is available for webinar participants.
Whatsapp: +62 811-3200-0808
Website: IG: @its.library FB: perpustakaanITS
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