

Research & Publish with IEEE Xplore

Mon, 06 Mar 2023
7:44 am
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Hello Siva ITS friends

The ITS Library organizes online Research & Publish workshops with IEEE Xplore to support learning and research activities for the ITS Academic Community.

This event is free specifically for ITS Academics.
For Siva ITS friends who are interested in participating in this activity,
please register at
Come on, register soon, because the quota is limited!!!

📆 Thursday, March 09, 2023
⏰Pukul 09.30-12.00 WIB
Media Zoom Meeting

Mr. Alex Liu (Client Service Manager IEEE)

More Information:
Contact Person: +6281132000808 (WhatsApp)

Website :
Instagram : @its.library
FB : perpustakaanITS

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