

Empowering Your Research Journey

Thu, 06 Aug 2020
11:27 am
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Elsevier Indonesia in collaboration with the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology invites you to take part in the webinar:
Empowering Your Research Journey
Monday, 24 August 2020, 10.00-12.00

Speakers and Topics:
Johan Jang: Customer Consultant Elsevier South East Asia
Research Roadmap: Best Practices from Ideation to Tracking Your Research Performance

Prof. Mauridhi Hery Purnomo: Head of ITS Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence Computing Lab; Scopus indexed journal editor (Q1); 1st place in Scopus and ITS SINTA
Dr. Diana Purwitasari: Head of ITS Algorithm and Programming Lab
Dr.Berlian Al Kindhi: Department of Electrical Automation Engineering, ITS Vocational Faculty
Effective Strategy for Publishing in High Quality Journals


Other information:
– Webinars via Zoom.
– The e-certificate is given after the webinar.
– The program will be delivered in Indonesian

See you at this event.
Please pass this information on to other colleagues.

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