
Global Competencies Workshop (GCW) IUP: Advanced 2021

Sun, 14 Mar 2021
4:30 pm
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Global Competencies Workshop (GCW) IUP: Advanced is a series of workshops with the primary purpose to help International Undergraduate Program (IUP) students batch 2019 to get to know about the whole mechanism of joining the study abroad programs from ITS Global Engagement, such as study excursion, short program, student exchange, and lab internship. GCW IUP: Advanced has had a collaboration with SUN Education as one of the big agencies in providing educational services throughout the world. In this workshop, SUN Education provided IELTS Simulation Test to enhance participants’ skills in listening, reading, and also speaking.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Global Competencies Workshop (GCW) IUP: Advanced was held virtually via Zoom Meeting starting on 4 March 2021 to 6 March 2021 and participated by approximately 180 participants. The topics that were discussed in the workshop are mainly focused on study abroad preparations such as important documents including CV/Resume, Motivation Letter, Business Letter, and Learning Agreement. Besides that, the workshop provided the participants with simulations like Focus Group Discussion, Mastering Interview, and IELTS Simulation Test. Moreover, there were several sessions aimed to give new knowledge to the participants about internationalization, such as World Class University (WCU), International Exposure, Selection Process, Online Programs, and Funding Support.

Day 1

On the first day, GCW IUP: Advanced was opened by the remarks from the Director of ITS Global Engagement, Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari Ph.D. After that, the event continued with a pre-test for participants to find out how far the participants know about the study abroad selection process. The first session began with an explanation of World Class University (WCU) and International Exposure by Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari Ph.D. and followed by a presentation of the Study Abroad Selection Process through ITS GE by Ms. Cahyani Satiya Pratiwi, S.S. as the speaker. The next session was discussed about CV and Resume that was delivered by Ms. Brigitta Mayori Puteri as the speaker. In this session, the participants got new knowledge about the difference between CV and Resume, also they got the understanding of the good examples of CV. Then, the last session was about the IELTS Simulation Test directed by SUN Education. The participants seemed very excited and active in participating in the IELTS Simulation Test. After the simulation ended, the event closed by MC, and the first day of GCW IUP: Advanced was ended successfully.

Day 2

On the second day, the workshop was started with an explanation about how to write a professional letter such as Motivation Letter and Business Letter which was delivered by Ms. Faiqoh Agustin, S.T. At the end of this session, the speaker gave an assignment for the participants to make a Motivation Letter based on the given case from the speaker. The next session continued with an explanation about Funding Support by Ms. Maulani Rachmaning Putri, S.A. as the speaker. This session discussed the funding support’s flow and the source of funding in ITS that can be obtained by the ITS Students for their study abroad needs. After that, the workshop continued with the explanation about Critical Thinking that was delivered by Ms. Nastiti Primadyastuti, M.Pd. This session is followed by a focus group discussion simulation to increase the critical thinking ability of the participants. During the simulation, around 180 participants are assigned into 35 groups accompanied by a facilitator to discuss and find a solution to the topic given by the facilitator. The simulation was ended well and followed by the closing from MC.

Day 3

On the last day, the participants got new insights about the credit transfer mechanism of joining a study abroad program or known as Learning Agreement. This session was delivered by Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini, S.T., M.AppDesArt, Ph.D. as the Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement on Promotion & Mobility. During this session, the participants seemed so active and excited to know more about the Learning Agreement. Besides that, the participants also got an explanation from Mr. Muh. Wahyu Islami Pratama M., S.T. about Online Programs that they could participate in during the pandemic situation. Then, the last material in this workshop is about the Mastering Interview presented by Ms. Indira Ardiyatna. In this session, the participants got a new understanding about the preparation before facing the interview, tips and tricks in facing the interview, and also there was a mini-interview simulation from 3 selected participants to be interviewed by the speaker in the main room with the given case. After the simulation ended, the participants had to do the post-test as the measurements of their understanding in joining the workshop for three days. Finally, the workshop ended with the closing remarks from Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D. as the Director of ITS Global Engagement. In her closing remarks, she gave the spirit and encouragement to the participants to be ready for their international exposure journey.

Overall, the three days of the workshop run smoothly. The participants were enthusiastic and active in all sessions. They showed their excitement and interest during the presentation of the materials by asking questions to the speakers. Other than that, during the simulation sessions, they were also confident to convey their ideas in front of the other participants. Last but not least, GCW IUP: Advanced is expected to make IUP Students more ready, confident, and brave enough to pursue their dreams to get international exposure and bring the institution name on a global scale proudly.

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