On June 25, 2020, the first session of the World Class University (WCU) Workshop was held via zoom meeting. The topic of this workshop was “International Ranking Policies and Directions: National Perspectives and ITS”. The event was opened by the Chancellor of Insitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M. Eng. He expressed his gratitude to the Directorate of Global Engagement for initiating a series of WCU workshops. “Hopefully what we are doing will provide the greatest benefit for ITS, for the entire academic community, the entire ITS family, and of course for the nation”, he hoped at the end of the opening ceremony. The event was continued with a brief presentation about the views of the academic senate on the WCU program presented by Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc. representing Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, M.Sc., Ph.D. as Chairman of the ITS Academic Senate who was unable to attend.
Beside Mochamad Ashari and Ketut Buda Artana, the 1st session of the WCU Workshop also presented 2 other speakers, namely Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D. as the Director of Directorate General of Higher Education and Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Yogi Yuwono, DEA. as part of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s WCU Team. Besides opening the event, Mochamad Ashari also opened a material session. He explained about the benefits and strategies of ITS in university ranking. In one of the presentation slides, he stated 3 ITS strategies to increase ITS rankings. The strategy is to strengthen research and publication, strengthen international programs, and integrate programs and database systems. The material session was then continued by Tri Yogi Yuwono. In his presentation, he analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of ITS in the QS World University Ranking and Times Higher Education (THE) ranking categories. He also gave some suggestions to the ITS academic community to accelerate the increase in ITS rankings. The material session was then closed by Nizam. On his occasion, he emphasized that the university should remain focused on running the Tri Dharma of higher education and not merely pursuing rankings. “Don’t make the world class as the goal. Then the main goal to become oasis for the nation, the state, especially to produce superior human resources from the student we educate, are being sidelined, “he said firmly.
The 1st session of the WCU workshop was then closed with the launch of the World Class University Pocket Book which was guided by the Director of ITS Global Engagement, Assoc. Prof. Maria Anityasari, Ph.D. Not forgetting, he called for ITS vivat which was followed by all workshop participants.
Surabaya, Indonesia – Tuesday, September 17, 2024 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is proud to announce the official
📢Call for Participants!! Dear all ITS Students, NUS Enterprise, the innovation & Entrepreneurship arm of National University of Singapore,
📢Call for Participants!! 🤗Greetings from The University of Sydney🇦🇺👋 We would like to invite your students to attend ❗The