Join the ITS Architecture Department!

The Department of Architecture student admission selection program is managed in an integrated manner by BAPKM. For more information, please visit this page.

The ITS admission selection for undergraduate programme (Bachelor Degree), refers to the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Permen-Ristekdikti No. 2, 2015), about the New Students Admission for Undergraduate Programs at Universities, as amended by No. 45, 2015. The selection program is carried out through 3 selection paths:

National Selection Program (SNMPTN)

Joint Selection Program (SBMPTN)

Independent Selection: Partnership and Independent Program (PKM)

The percentage composition of new undergraduate students of ITS for each study program are SNMPTN (30%), SBMPTN (40%) and Independent Selection (30%).

ITS provides equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities both in admission or compensation/facilities at the time of learning on campus (The regulation can be seen on this link).

Information about the requirements and procedures for the graduate programme admissions selection can be seen on the official website:

Graduate Programme ITS

For information about the requirement and how to apply to ITS, please click here.

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